Chapter 2: Growing Up

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4d46g, Journal Entry 1: 16 September 25,004 A.D.

I am four years old or will be in about a week or two, I think. Though they tell us we are technically three years older than that, physically anyway. We completed our final examinations for advanced vocabulary and language training today, meaning we will have to move away again soon. I have been speaking with Dr. Lidsdale about this for a while now. I saw the signs of another completed training and our talks confirmed my suspicions.

We will move again tomorrow. Our teachers have been bidding us farewell all day. I was confused at first, and I am still sad, though I suppose it makes sense. None of them will be moving on with us as our training with them is completed. The only ones continuing with us are the doctor and a few others. I wish we didn't have to say goodbye again. They should be able to come with us or we should be able to stay.

The Councilmen have been speaking with us more lately though. They have been telling us we have an important purpose. That we will become immortals to fight the Calthesian threat. They go on about how we will be stronger and smarter than anyone before us. I don't believe them. I have to read into everything they say, because half of it is lies. They are just very charismatic. Some of my peers cannot seem to get enough of their talk though. 2f27b especially. He is certainly no idiot, but he buys into their promises too much. I just can't understand why.

4d46g, Journal Entry 2: 17 September 25,004 A.D.

Waking in a military outpost rather than the far more comfortable learning center we are accustomed to was quite a shock. Things operate differently here. I don't know how we'll adjust. 3d45a seems to be taking it the hardest out of him, 1e26d, and me. He is very active and free spirited would probably be the best way to put it. Their regulations and rules don't suite him very much, though I could say the same for all three of us.

None of us have really been accustomed to adults yelling at us. Not to say that it hasn't happened, but the soldiers yell about everything. Our sergeant is merciless. He says after three weeks with him, we'll be ready for the field marshal. Then we'll wish we had him again.

I think this is the first time I've seen 3d45a cry. He is just so frustrated, and I can't blame him. There may also be some residual side effects of the warp though. It prevented us from beginning our training yesterday evening. All of us felt off from it. The doctors and soldiers say that it is because that was the first warp we went through when we were fully conscious, and that it would not have that effect next time. I hope they are correct, because this feeling is awful, though that may just be the entirety of the current situation speaking.

4d46g, Journal Entry 3: 18 September 25,004 A.D.

We met the field marshal today, though she has told us to refer to her as Ms. Hentesre. Once we adjust to life at the outpost, she will become our new instructor. I'm not sure about whether or not I like her. She is very different from any of our other teachers. Based off everything else here, I assume she will have a much stricter teaching style. She insist on absolute silence and attention when she is speaking. One of the Rhantans looked away from her for a second when she was facing us, and I can only say that the sergeant was correct yesterday. As impressive as her ability to berate someone on the spot like that is, it hardly seems fair. Classes can be boring, especially an introductory lecture.

I suppose she wants to intimidate and scare us into being afraid to not pay attention, but to be honest it really makes me want to annoy her just to see what she'll do. She seems far too used to speaking to soldiers. I think I will try something tomorrow, maybe remind her that we aren't soldiers. At least not yet.

4d46g, Journal Entry 24: 9 October 25,004 A.D.

Ms. Hentesre took over as our new instructor today. I decided to try something, and I don't think that I am going to try anything again. I had considered how bad of an idea it might be after the past three weeks, but my curiosity won out. While she was turned around and writing on the holo-board, I managed to hack it. As I did this, 3d45a (who had shown me how to do this) and 1e26d, along with many others, looked at me like I was crazy. I was about to post what I was writing when she turned back around to us.

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