Chapter 15: Operation Sunset Blue

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18 April 25,033

     "Agents, we have quite the special task for you this time." Bouldren said.

     Before him was the large holo-display, though there was no planet depicted by it this time. It was a small fleet of ten ships. The largest of these was a modified T80-ITP supply barge, which was a little bigger than a warship. Most of the other ships were reoutfitted military destroyers and frigates.

     "The fleet you are looking at is the Asteroid Belt Renegade fleet, stationed near the Tal supply line. Recently, they have withheld all hostilities and just hours ago we received a message from them asking to negotiate a pact between them and Coalition forces, where they will assist us in attacking Calthesian supply routes.

      "Normally, we would decline such a ridiculous request and crush them like the rebellious scum they are, however, our forces are spread thin as it is, and we do not have the ships and supplies to go running after so called revolutionaries. So, you all will be dispatched to seal this pact."

      I interjected as soon as the councilman had finished. "Councilman with all due respect, we are warriors not negotiators. Would it not be wiser to –"

      "We are entirely aware of what you are, agent." The councilman replied, cutting me off. "Let us just say that you will be quite comfortable around these people. Do what you must to secure this truce, it will aid us. That being said, I want no violence, especially not bloodshed unless absolutely necessary." The councilman locked eyes with me. "Am I understood."

     "Yes, sir." We all replied.

     Fifteen minutes later we had our gear and were shipping out to the sector where the ABR Fleet was stationed. We were allowed only our sidearms as per request of the fleet leader, referred to as Captain Jack. In exchange for this, Jack was only allowed to have four men with him.

      Once we were on our way to objective, I began to read the file on Jack. His actual name was Charles Richard Collins, and he was from the Achilles Quadrant, a series of systems on the outer rim under human control. This quadrant was on the edge of the Simbashian Systems and was destroyed in the first year of the war.

     I thought on this and then looked over at the picture attached to the file. There was a man with dark black hair, which came down into a short beard. His face was neither round nor sharp, but rather a mix of both. His nose was wide, though not abnormally so, and arched, not curbed. His eyes were hidden behind dark shades and his mouth, from which a cigarette hung, was frozen in a joyous grin. The picture had clearly been taken when he was younger, I would guess at around twenty or so.

      Apparently, it was twelve years ago that he had begun assaults on all military forces. He would take on any power in the Coalition and not seem to flinch, but seemingly he had yet to engage Calthesian forces. I could only guess as to why, all the information that I had on hand told me that he should be fighting them. Perhaps he had been waiting for his fleet to grow in numbers. Calthesian supply lines were more heavily guarded than Coalition ones on average, so he would have better odds against us.

     It still made no sense to me why he would not fight the source of his problems. Then again, it seemed he was ready to now, so better late than never.

     "So, who's going to talk with this guy?"

     I looked up from my projector upon hearing James' question.

     "I'm usually better with my hands than my words when it comes to field operations." I said, looking at both James and Amelia.

     "I'll take that as a no from you then. Amy?"

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