Chapter 3: The Acquisition Process

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4 October 25,011

"Your true training begins now." Dr. Lidsdale said. As he did so took he took one of his hands off the podium, wiping a small amount of sweat from his forehead. "The possible team combinations will be decided within your first few weeks here. Then over the next few years, it will be decided which team will go on to receive the advanced training that will be used to create the twelve special combat squads... This training will also not be easy, and excluding advanced training and field missions, it will more than likely be the hardest thing any of you will ever have to endure. So, please, for the sake of yourselves and the people of The Coalition, ensure that you take these next ten years as seriously as you possibly can –"

Dr. Lidsdale kept on with his speech, but I was zoned out for a good deal of the rest of it. I got hung up on the 'take it as serious as you can' line. I can understand that we need to do this and that it is necessary, but we don't have to be told it as often as we have been told in the last six years. I suppose that it's not that important though, and at least it is a good thought to have implanted. It ensures that we never forget what we're doing this for. Back to the conversation at hand, we've just been informed of when sparing starts.

It wasn't a hard answer to guess, because of course it's tomorrow. Dr. Lidsdale said that an informant board would be posted after this meeting and that we must all go to look at it, so that we can prepare ourselves for our fight. These should be the easier ones though, as they are just one-on-one. I can say that I honestly look forward to the fights, as I've noticed I am developing a growing affinity for combat. I don't know whether to be alarmed about this new development or relieved, because on the one hand it's getting me ready for later in life. On the other hand, it feels dangerous somehow. Whenever I fight a small part of me is concerned while another is elated.

I snapped back to attention as we were dismissed. I looked over to A and D but found they were talking together. I nodded to myself and turned to leave the room. I would occupy myself with the informant board for a bit.

According to it, under the human recruit section:

First day, 05 Oct. 25,011, 4d46g against...

Ah, well that is good news. 2f27b.

I couldn't have possibly asked for a better match up, especially for my first fight. To be entirely honest, I think they might have paired us as the first fight because they knew it would happen anyway. I'm always down for that fight at any rate...

"Hey, Eagle-Eye, do you think without anyone to interrupt us I'd finally be able to kill you?"

That voice is all too familiar and annoying.

I turned with my arms folded. "Well B, since you're the one always getting blood everywhere, I doubt it."

"I'm more than ready to make you eat those words if you want to fight right now."

I smirked. I could stay stone faced for a lot, but I could never manage it for B's threats.

"Anytime, but do you think you can back up your talk? Consider all of our training results and past skirmishes. I'm pretty confident that I can kick your ass anytime, anywhere. Anything else you want to say B?"

I could see the agitation on his face, and a full smile broke out on my lips. I wanted him to get mad and try to rush me. Then, I felt a hand on my right shoulder and looked over to see A. D came up on my left.

The agitation left his face and was replaced his own smirk. He scoffed, "Only that I never needed anyone else to fight my battles for me."

"They don't fight for me, but it's nice to have support."

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