Chapter 5: Actions and Consequences

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1 April 25,012

We were all called after breakfast to go down into the primary combat chamber.

     When we got into the large, circular, grey room we were greeted by only Hentesre, who stood in the middle of the chamber.

     In her hands she held a rifle, which she had in a resting position across her chest. However, I'd only ever seen one like it in videos. On the front of it, half under the barrel it had a triangular piece, which I could only assume to be a blade. Its central structure was a rectangle and off the back it had a stock that looked more like it would be used for an arm guard than a shoulder rest. A cord dangled from the raised part on top of the rectangular body, where the sight would usually be, and on the end of it was something that looked like an ocular piece.

     We were instructed to form into one line, which was separated into sections by species. The field marshal took her right hand away from the handle of the rifle and put it at her side, holding the rifle from under the middle of the body.

     "This is a Calthesian standard assault rifle. It is an effective short to medium range firearm, capable of piecing light armor and some heavier armors at a close enough range. When you are on the battlefield, you will only have so much of your ammunition to use, because many of you have unique weapons for which there will be little reserves in the armories on the battlefield. For this reason, you may need to use your enemy's own weapons against them before your munitions run dry. There will be no shortage of these rifles or their ammunition on the battlefield.

     "That being said, this is a weapon that is awkward to handle and hold if you are not trained to use it. Therefore, you will be trained extensively on how to use this weapon effectively, in both its firing and melee forms."

     Hentesre then brought her right hand back to the handle and put her thumb over a button above it. When she pressed it the under-barrel blade on the rifle shot out over the front of the barrel and the handle flipped back so that the rifle could now be held like a sword. The stock became exactly what it looked like now acting as a guard for her forearm. "This is as awkward to hold and use as the rifle form is, but it will have its uses. Though keep in mind the weapon cannot fire in this mode."

     Hentesre changed the rifle back and took up the cord.

     "There is also an optical cord attached to this weapon. This is what the Calthesians use in place of sights. The piece on the end is attached to their helmet's right eyepiece, and you will not be able to equip it as it only works with their technology. However, you should not need to use it as all of you will be trained thoroughly in how to use this weapon accurately, along with how to quickly fire your own weapons accurately without relying majorly on their sights."

     Hentesre looked out over all of us, analyzing, making sure that no one had questions without asking. She nodded and soldiers wheeled in carts stocked full of these rifles.

     "You will begin training now. Zagraths, you will go with special trainers who will teach you how to effectively block this weapon in its melee form, you will not need to worry about its shots as they cannot pierce your shells. Also, everyone note that in a month you will all be evaluated on your proficiency with this weapon, so train well."

     I stepped forward after D and selected a rifle off the cart. It was indeed very bulky and awkward to handle. I activated the melee mode and found it true that this was just as awkward. I went and found V and then we walked over to A and D, who were chatting idly.

     Thankfully after a week the incident in the mess hall had kind of been pushed to the back of everyone's minds. No one really mentioned it. It was safe to assume most of us shared the same underlying thought that it was nowhere near worth the trouble it almost caused. The only things to say it really happened was Six wanting more than one match to make up for all the trouble, and of course remembering the taste of the toothbrush.

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