Chapter 9: Operation Black Blade Rising

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30 May 25,020

"Shadow Team, report to the primary debate chamber immediately."

I.A.T.'s request wasn't unexpected. We had been recovered for over a week with no assignments.

I turned off my holo-pad and closed the book I had been looking at, placing them on one of the study tables. James and Amelia stopped what they were doing as well and rose to join me.

Entering the primary debate chamber, we found only Bouldren and the other human councilmen waiting for us. Bouldren rose, making his way over to the unit he had shown us Darbenthin IX on before our previous mission. Another planet was displayed on the unit now.

Bouldren studied it a moment and I took the time to do the same. At first I saw no fleet or space stations around the planet. Looking closer though, I could feel my eyes pulling in the smallest details, bringing the specks that were hardly more than dust particles into focus. Ships were normally small compared to a planet, but this was different. The planet was massive.

After looking at it for a moment, Bouldren pointed at the spot where the ships were.

"I.A.T., enlarge the defending fleet and stations."

Quickly the ships and stations were enlarged to where they were easily detected. Bouldren looked up at us, ready to begin the briefing.

"This is the planet Abrusum, a super-giant inhabited by some one hundred twenty billion people. It is a very resource rich planet, with many large shipyards. It is one of the largest military ship production facilities for the UAHS (Unified Association of Human Systems) and The Coalition as well. This fact and its position on the edge of the Inner System's rim makes it an invaluable strategic point. It has been under heavy Calthesian assault for some time and was close to falling. That changes today.

"As of now, the Calthesian presence there only consist of a little more than one hundred ships and a few hundred thousand ground units, which the suppression group from the 367th Fleet has been able to keep in check. However, a very large Calthesian force was detected by a reconnaissance group two weeks ago heading straight for the planet. This is one of the primary fleets that they have used in their attacks to break through our defensive lines and one of their largest fleets, consisting of over three thousand warships. In response, the UAHS and Coalition deciding to assemble the entirety of the 495th Elite Guard to ensure the planet remains under the Coalition's control."

He paced slowly back and forth behind the holo projection as he explained. In going with his explanation, the Calthesian fleet was simulated in. As it began to engage the 367th, the 495th deployed in behind the Calthesian line.

"Heavily outnumbered and caught off-guard, they will be crushed swiftly. The orbital assault is not of as much importance as what can be gained from it. The Calthesian admiral leading this fleet has been responsible for numerous breeches in our defenses. We want him captured alive, for interrogation."

I looked at the Calthesian fleet. It had six large transports and many smaller ones. The small one weren't of as much concern, but if their other transports break the line and are able to deploy, it could be disastrous for the ground forces.

"Sir, what of the transports? The 367th doesn't have the firepower to destroy them before they could deploy."

"They are of little concern. This is also the debut of the experimental command cruiser Black Blade. It will be more than capable of handling the transports before they deploy. You will be under the command of Master Admiral of the Armada Iroh. Report to him on Black Blade after you link with the fleet. Further mission details have been sent to your holo-projectors. Go to the hangar immediately, you are to dock and depart with the destroyer Spear Head to link up with the 495th."

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