Chapter 7: Bart and Emory

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25 May 25,020

     "James, get up. It's time to explore the city." I said excitedly, swinging out of my bunk and grabbing for my pants.

     We made our way to the base entrance after finding Amelia.

     "Halt! State your name and business." One of the four guards said, stopping us.

     "Agent Eagle-Eye, and this is the rest of Shadow Team: Iron-Sights and Sharp-Shooter. We have been ordered by The Council to take a forty-eight-hour leave." I told him.

     "Codes?" He asked.




     The guard turned to the operator in the shack, who informed him that the codes were valid.

     "This way." He said, leading us into the train station, where a train was standing by for transport between the base and the city.

     We got on it, and it took about fifteen minutes for us to reach the city.

     When we reached our destination, we stepped out of the train into the vast expanse of a station the size of the one at the base. Outside, Rhantan guards watched the doors, and did not even take notice of us as we came out.

     The sight before us was the city limits of Physicorum's 31st District. This was one of the suburban areas of the 100 square kilometer city.

     "So, what do we do?" James asked as we walked down the steps of the station.

     I looked around and observed that there weren't many shops, just a long rolling plain that led into neighborhoods. In front of us was the transportation station. "Let's check what time the next transport will arrive." I said, walking down to the small shelter covering the bench.

     "It says here that the next transport should be arriving in..."

     I stopped short of finishing my statement as I heard the approach of a vehicle, "Right now."

     I turned to face the street.

     We got on the transport, which we had to pay to ride since we did not have a ticket. For an hour we rode it and finally got off in a rundown district of downtown. Walking down the sidewalk we looked at the many shops that lined the streets and also the many people who were laying up against the buildings or in the alley ways.

     "Oh, look at this one." James said, stopping in front of a shop as we were walking by it.

     I looked up and read the neon above the door, which was multicolored. It was called Bartholomew's Dress and Mess.

     "Seems as good a place as any to start. Plus, there's only two people in there." He continued.

     "Sounds fine to me." I said.

     "Me too. It would be nice to get some real clothes." Amelia said.

     "And a proper meal." James added, walking through the door, which shot open as he moved in front of it.

     Inside, the shop was divided into three sections. There was the section on the left which had all of the clothing items, many of which were suits and dresses which were hung on the wall or displayed on mannequins. More casual clothing was on racks or folded on tabletops. On the right of the shop there were four booths and two sets of tables with four chairs each. Condiments were laid out on these, along with napkins and other items. In the very back of the shop, lining most of the back wall, was a wooden bar.

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