Chapter 10: The 29th District Mob

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13 June 25,020    

     We shipped out to the 29th District to see Bart and Emory two weeks after we got back from Black Blade Rising. After numerous test we were all given another medicine to take. It was in small tablets, clear and tasteless. I didn't feel any different taking them, but we were told that they would help prevent incidents like what happened on Orion's Thorn. We were instructed only to take them for four weeks, which meant that we still had another two.

     It took a little over an hour after leaving to reach Bart's shop. As we walk up to the front of the shop, I noticed two men standing off to the left side of the shop in front of an alleyway. One of them was smoking while the other one was leaning against the shop. They spoke with each other idly.

     They didn't give off the best air, but hardly paid us any mind as we walked in the door of the shop. I did the same.

     Amelia waved as she stepped inside, "Hey Bart!"

     Bart was sweeping the shop and looked up at the sound of the door, smiling when he saw us.

     "Well, if it ain't me favorite customers. I was beginning to worry something may have happened. How are y'all on this fine day?"

     "We're doing alright." James responded.

     I considered the past two weeks, then the month before that. This was about the most alright it could be taking everything into account.

     Bart stopped sweeping, going behind the counter. He set the broom up against the wall on his way, moving to the middle of the bar. He smiled, but the longer he looked at us the more it faded.

     "I'll be, did ya grow in the last month or are me eyes playing me?"

     We knew it was a noticeable change. The numerous ghost scars probably didn't help take attention away from the differences to us either.

     I answered him as I took a seat, "Your eyes are fine Bart. We had some augmentations to go through is all."

     "I'm a bit angry none of the clothes I bought last time will fit me now." Amelia said, drumming her fingers on the bar.

     Bart waved it off, "Please lass, I can get ya fitted with some new clothing easily enough. Now, what will ya be having for breakfast?"

     "Surprise us. In fact, we can probably help you make everything. With all you've done for us, we shouldn't be having you wait on us." James said, looking between me and Amelia, "Am I right?"

     Both of us nodded.

     "I would say so." I said.

     "It would be interesting to learn how to make something besides gruel or soup." Amelia said.

     Bart looked at the three of us, "Now, I don't mind serving ye all food and drink. I am a barkeep after all. But if the three of ye would like to learn how to cook I'm more than happy to show ye."

     There was an area behind the wall with the booths, on the right side of the hallway with the bunks, that was the cooking area. Bart took us back there and began showing us how to prepare a dish. After he explained what we needed to do, all of us fell into the process of trying to do it.

     "Have ye called Ms. Emory yet?" Bart asked us, watching as we fiddled with our task.

     I replied as I quickly chopped green onions, "We contacted her on the way here, she said that she would be sure to come by after work."

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