Chapter 16: Operation Dying Leviathan

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02 March 25,037

I found myself awestruck when we were presented with a mission debriefing the day before a launch. The councilman called us down into the main debate chamber at 0400.

     "Agents, the time has finally come to strike our hardest blow against the Calthesian force. Four weeks ago, the main Calthesian fleet stormed the minor Atherian capitol world Nambia VI. Over that time, they took the capitol of the Hiytu continent and reinforced it so that it may as well be a fortress."

      Bouldren had the image of the city enhanced on the two kilometer radius around the capitol building, "They have mobile AA, artillery, armor divisions, and multiple battalions stationed there. To make matters worse, they're preparing to install a more permanent base, and artillery is holding back all offensive efforts."

     "Do you want us to dislodge them?" James asked, walking around the projection and observing it.

     "Yes, but that is only your secondary objective."

     "Sir?" I said in reply.

     "We have known about this impending attack for months now. The combined forces of the 495th, Fleet of the Rhantan High Admiral, and Lightening Corps (most highly regarded Zantarian fleet) have been dispatched to deal with the fifteen thousand warship strong force that took the planet. A combined ground force of equal repute has been amassed to deal with the defending forces. Our primary concern is a single person."

     The image switched from that of the city to a projection of a Calthesian general. We had seen generals before; this was far from our first assignment that involved killing or capturing one. All of us had seen this one before though. I vividly remembered the video we were shown where this thing had fought and killed the Rhantan High Admiral Siem-bosen.

     "You are looking at the commanding general of the entire Calthesian military. I'm sure all of you remember where you have seen him before. This is the only time we have had him planet-side in any engagement, and we do not intent to allow this opportunity to go to waste. This is an assassination mission primarily. We need you to get to the general and his inner ring of war masters and battle masters and eliminate them. One they are killed we expect the entirety of the Calthesian military to fall into disarray. Report to Eternal Spirit once your objective is complete. When you do, the three divisions that we have closing in on the city should be able to retake it, however everything depends heavily on your team."

     "Are there any restrictions for us on this mission?" I asked him.

     "The only thing restricting you this time is your mission window stated in the files you were given yesterday. Other than that, you have complete freedom with how you choose to handle everything else. You will be shipped out at 0400 hours tomorrow. Be sure you are prepped and ready by that time. Dismissed."


When we got back to our bunks, a somber silence hung in the air. This was the most important mission we had ever been sent on, and it was a tall order. It would help greatly if any of the other Immortal teams were available, but all of them were dug into heavy conflicts. It was purely happenstance we had finished our last operation a little over a week ago.

     "You know, I'm having a thought." James said, breaking the silence.

     We both looked at him.

     "Well, that certainly can't be good." I said.

     "No, this is actually going to be one of my good ones. I'm sure you've had it too." He paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts. He activated the scrambler then continued, "What if we left after this mission?"

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