Chapter 5

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"I got a fucking job," I yelled. "Yass," he said. "I'm staying here in New York I'm starting tomorrow it's amazing," I said.

"Congratulations but is he cute," he asked. "Oh, my fucking God you don't even know," I said we spent hours talking about him. Until like 6 I got a knock on my door. "Hold on Jes," I walked to the door.

I open it "Hi room service ordered," A sweet man said. "Hi but I didn't order anything," I said. "I know Mr. Everett did," he placed the food on my table and left.

I lifted the silver lid. "Tacos," I said. I looked at a small card. I picked it up and looked at it.

-Food little birds told me you loved Tacos sorry about earlier. E-

I squealed and picked up my phone. "He's a fucking god," Jes said. "I know," I started to eat. "I have to call you later I have a dick appointment," he said.

"Again ok," I said and hung up. I looked at the card and turned it around. I saw a phone number.

- 718•274•9207 -

His phone number... but he has a wife I've never noticed a ring. Interesting. Oh and hell I find him Interesting.

"Good Morning Mr

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"Good Morning Mr. Everett," I placed the coffee on his desk. "Good Morning," he said not paying attention to me.

"Do you need anything," I asked he looked up at me. "No thank you." I nodded and walked out. I did some paperwork. My phone rang I answered it.

"Hello," I answered. "Come to my office," Zane said. I walked to his office "Did you need anything, sir," I asked.

"Yes can you grab the papers in that file," he pointed behind me. I turned and grabbed the papers and placed them on his desk.

"Thank you," he said I nodded and walked out. "Hey Um Roberts," Zane said. I turned to him "you look pretty today." "Thank you," I smiled. I squealed internally.

"Sit," he said. I turned to him confused he raised one eyebrow when he does that I want to fall on my knees.

I sat down and crossed my legs. He looked at me for a second analyzing my body language. He chuckled quietly "Why are you nervous," he looked back at his papers.

"I-I'm not," I stuttered. "Then why are you stuttering sweetheart," he looked at me. Sweetheart. Does he want to play? "Do you think it's appropriate for you as my boss to be calling me sweetheart?" I raised my eyebrow as he does.

"I can do a lot of things sweetheart." "I see," I smiled at him. "Or do you like Tesoro," he looked at me. That is so hot. "Which one do you like saying better?"

He stood up and walked to my chair turning me in his direction. He grabbed onto the armrest and lends down. "Whatever you want darling," he whispered.

His hot minty breath touches my face. I looked up into his eyes... I put my hand on his and rub it up to his veiny hand. "Whatever I want?"

He looked at my hand then at my eyes "Whatever you want," he smirks. "What," I fixed his collar. "If," I touch his top button. "I want," I unbutton it.

"You," I looked at his eyes. He licked his bottom lip making it wet. "Then you have to beg darling I don't give for free," he whispers.

I felt butterflies in my stomach. "Want me to beg?" I asked. He put his hand on my shoulder touching my jaw with his thumb.
"What do you want to beg for," he whispered.

"You" "what do you want me to do," he asked. "Anything you want," I bit my lip. "What if I want you to kiss me," I looked at his green eyes.

He put his lips barely touching mine. "Beg," his hot breath blew on my lips making them want to crumble into pieces.

I looked up at him "What if I don't like begging." "Then you can't get what you want darling," he licked my bottom lip.

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