Chapter 37

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"Amelia," I looked up at Zane. He looked extremely nervous I tilted my head slightly in confusion. "I have something to tell you," he started.

"Ok," I said slowly still extremely confused. "Ok I love you, you know that," he said. "Yes." "I don't want this to change our relationship at all," he said.

I sat back in my chair "ok." "You have to promise it won't change the way you feel about me," Zane said. "I can't promise anything Zane," I said.

Millions of things ran through my head. I was so nervous that my palms were literally sweating.

He took a deep breath "I'm a mafia leader." A what- "huh," the only thing that came out of my mouth. "I work in the mafia that's why that guy have the same tattoo," he said. I was speechless.

"Along with Olivia, Nico, my father," he huffed. I was so confused and scared...
He put his hands slowly on mine. I moved my hands quickly and placed them on my lap.

"Baby I-," he started but I cut him off. "Zane I-I have to go," I got up and grabbed my purse. I walked outside the restaurant the cold wind hit my shoulders.

Goosebumps appeared on my arms. "Amelia," Zane called out. I turned to him "Can you just answer one question," he said. I gave him a small nod "Are you scared of me?"

I was extremely scared I don't know if I was scared of him or the fact that he does that job. "Zane I-I don't know how to feel it's a lot," I asked honestly.

He nodded I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply I looked at him. "So when you said you got him does that mean-," I stopped.

"I killed him," he said. I didn't know what to feel my body was numb. "I don't kill innocent people Lia," he walked closer to me.

I stepped back "I never killed an innocent person." "so what you only kill bad people," I said.

"Every person I've ever killed has done horrible things," he said trying to convince me something. "Horrible like what," I said. "Raped women, killed women, killed children I'm not a bad person Lia."

"That just makes you sound bad saying that your not," I said. "I don't kill for fun or my amusement," he said. "Honestly is that supposed to make me feel better," I genuinely asked him.

"No, not at all I'm just telling you," he said. I looked at him my tongue hit the skin below my bottom teeth. "I don't know how else to convince you," his hands hit down to his sides.

"Don't, stop trying," I said. "I can't stop trying Lia I love you, you don't understand," he said. "And I love you too but-," he cut me off. "You don't like my lifestyle," he said.

I gave him a nod, "Don't be scared of me I've shown you that you have nothing to be scared of." "That was until you told me you-," I looked around. "Kill people," I whispered.

"I've been killing people before I even knew you existed," he said. "Yeah and that totally makes it better Zane," I snapped. "Well Amelia I kill people, do you want to be with me or not," he snapped back.

This fucking man... "I don't want to be with anyone else," I said tired I just wanted to lay down. "Ok then what are you going to do," he asked. "I'm not scared of you, I just don't want to be in between it," I said.

"Even if you didn't know you weren't going to be in between I wouldn't put you in danger like that," he said. I nodded "ok but before I go back home with you, you have to promise me one thing," I said.

He walked to me "Anything." "Just please I'm begging you don't get hurt," I said squeezing his hands. "I promise I won't get hurt my love," I smiled and pressed my lips gently to his.

"I want to go home," I looked up at him. He nodded we walked to the limo and sat down. I put my head on his chest and went to sleep.

I can trust him, he's shown me that I could and that he loves me. He's shown me that he's different from other guys.
"Hey that's not funny you promised not to laugh," Zane said I died laughing tears ran down my face. He rolled his eyes and got up.

I stopped him "Ok ok I'm done laughing," I wiped the tears from my face. He sat back on the couch facing me.

"It's not funny," he mumbled. "Ok, it's not," I reassured him. He pouted like a child. I rubbed the side of his face "it's not funny."

"You promised," he mumbled. I got on top of his lap and kissed him. "I'm sorry for breaking my promise," I kissed him softly.

He pushed me off of him and got up. "Baby," I said softly. He didn't turn to look at me he walked out of the living room.

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