Chapter 21

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When the words are italic Italian is be in spoken because the Google translating is incorrect..

"Oh—fuck yes," I moaned. He pressed his lips against my sweaty collar bone. He grabbed my hips making me go back and forth.

"Oh fuck Zane," I screamed his name. He flipped us over now he's on top. I smiled up at him. He pulled out and flipped me over on all fours.

He made my back arch, this is new. I felt his dick pound into me. I instantly threw my head into the sheets. He grabbed my hips and thruster his pace went faster with each stroke.

I felt my stomach tear apart, I moan and screamed. "Fuck you feel so fucking good," he spoke in Italian. Whatever he was was the hottest thing in the world.

I whimper under his touch, I knew he was still pissed about the waiter's situation but he didn't speak about it. I fistful the sheets and screamed raising my head up slightly.

"B-baby I can't," I whined at the pain in my lower abdomen. He kissed down my spine "You're taking it like a good little slut," he whispered.

I groaned "I'm a good slut." "Yes you are," he placed his hands on my boobs. I moan feeling an orgasm coming. I moan "I'm gonna cum."

"Fuck," he mumbled pounding faster. I threw my head on the bed the feeling of him filling me up.

I came along with him. He flipped me on my back. He moved my hair off my sweaty forehead. "Good girl," he kissed my neck.

He stopped and walked into the bathroom. He opened my legs wiping off his and my cum and then his dick.
Hr walked back into the bathroom with shorts on.

I was still on the bed catching my breath. He laughed at my exhausted body. "Do you want clothes on?" "Yes" I mumbled. He threw his white shirt over my head.

"Do you need anything," he kissed my collarbone the shirt hung off one of my shoulders it was way too big.

"No, I'm ok," I looked at his red ear. I rubbed it gently. He picked his head up and kissed me on the lips.

"Sorry about acting an ass in the restaurant," his eyes met mine. I smiled slightly "It's ok."

"Fuck, I fucked up," he stood up. "What no you didn't," I said. He looked at me "I did I yelled at you when I shouldn't have," he said.

I smiled at least he realized his mistake. "You shouldn't have but you apologized," I said. "Come on let's sleep," I opened my arms. "You accept it?" He asked. "Yes I accept it now come on," I said.

He laid on top of me I wrapped my arms around him. I kissed the top of his head he wrapped his arms around my small torso.

Why was he so on edge about me forgiving him? It was fine, I was fine.
"Good Morning Miss. Roberts, you have flowers," A sweet lady placed a bouquet of red roses on my desk. I smiled at them as she walked out.

I grabbed the card
-I'm sorry I was jealous and yelled at you-

I looked at the card with a sad smile, he felt horrible. But I was fine I didn't understand. I got up and walked to Zane's office.

I opened the door "Sir?" I question with a soft tone. He looked up at me his facial features were softened. "I like the flowers," I closed the door behind me.

"I accept your apology Zane I swear ok," I sat on his lap. "Ok?" he repeated. I rubbed her sharp jaw softly.

I wonder why he feels so bad, I placed my head on his hard chest and felt his muscles underneath his black dressy shirt.

"I have to go I'll see you later," I got up. He nod, I pressed my lips gently on his.

I walked back to my office.
*Zane Everett Pov*

"Loran you need to leave," I leaned in the doorway of her room. She turned to me "why," she said with attitude.

"I don't want you here I'm done seeing your face so you can leave," I said. Her jaw dropped "You act like a foolish child, use my money why did my fucking card decline," I looked at her.

"It's ok I just went out with Stella I got purses and my facelift," she said. "And you and Stella can get the fuck on, you have 24 hours to get all your shit out my house," I said.

"What you're kicking me out now after 3 years," she asked. "Trust me I should have done it when I fell out of love with you 2 years ago," I said. "It's because of that bitch isn't it," she snapped.

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