Chapter 41

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"He fucks women like fucking toys," his answer shocked me. "Um ok, do you want me to call him?" I asked tired of hearing his bullshit.

"No need you will be escorted out the building," he looked down at me. My fist collided with his jaw. He held his Jaw. Why did I just do that oh my god?

"Fucking bitch," he grabbed my arm. "Ow," I whined his nails went into my skin. Jess grabbed his hand off my arm and punched him. "Shit," Jes whispered.

"Touch her again," Jes stood in front of me. I called Zane. "Hi darling," he said happily over the phone.

"Why are you breathing so loud what happened," he asked. "Um a guy grabbed my arm I think it's bleeding," I whispered.

"Ok stay there," he sounded pissed the phone call ended. Jes and I stood in the same place. The door slammed open with the man behind Zane.

Everyone stopped talking and dancing. Zane grabbed my arm and looked at it. "What happened," he looked at me. It hurt so bad that tears were down my face. He wiped them and looked at the guy that did it.

"Boss I-," Zane punched him in the nose he stumbled back almost hitting the floor. I've never seen him violent. "Jes and Lia go to the VIP area enjoy your time here," Zane said.

"You get him and kill him," Zane said in English. We walked to the back and sat down Jes looked at my bleeding arm.

Zane walked in with 2 people that had first aid kits. Both of them looked at my arm and Jes's wrist. "I'm sorry that happened," Zane kissed my head.

"It's ok," I mumbled. "What did he say to you?" he asked. "He called me a bitch," I looked up at him with glossy eyes. "Jesus fuck, leave," he says to the guys with first aid kits.

They left and kneeled in between my legs. He held my hands "I'm so fucking sorry," I nodded. "Listen I will tell everyone I have a wife," he said.

"Shouldn't you been done that?" Jes added with attitude. "Jes it's ok," I said. "No he's right I should have been done it," Zane stood up.

He kissed both of my hands and then my forehead. He left with everyone. "A lot of shit happens," Jes said. "Tell me about theit," I mumbled. "I'll get us drinks," Jes walked away.

I sat alone the naked woman looked at me... I don't know how I feel about my husband having a bunch of naked women in a building that he owns.

*Zane Everett Pov*

Why do people think they can put their hands on women I hate people. "Listen," I yelled over everyone. They all got quiet and looked at me. "If I find out another one of you placed for fucking hands on a woman I'm going to fucking skin you alive," I yelled.

Everyone looked scared they should be. "I have a wife any of you got a problem come to me personally and we can discuss that problem while I cut your flesh."

"I have a wife when she calls me to tell me one of you disobeyed her wishes your dead do everyone fucking understand," I said. Everyone nodded some said "Yes sir"

I walked to my chair fucking morons. I drove to the club and saw Lia laughing with a guy. I felt anger rush through my veins my blood boiled.

I walked toward him "Hi sweetheart," I kissed her cheek. She wiped it off and completely ignored me. I looked at the back of her head weird then at the guy's face.

I glared at him he looked at me with a scared expression "Um Lia I have to go," he nodded. Lia? He walked away.

She turned to look at me "What did you do?"

"What is wrong with you why did you let him call you Lia," I asked. "It's my name," she shrugged. "It's my fucking name I only use Lia," I said.

"It's just a name Zane," she rolled her eyes. "Just a name," I scoffed. "Yes just a name," she said adding a nod.

"Then you wiped off my kiss," I said. "It's just a kiss Zane," she said. "Just a fucking kiss, ok Amelia," I said. "Yes just a kiss I kiss you every day it's nothing new," she said.

"Wow," I walked to my car. "Just a fucking kiss," I put my head on the steering wheel. I went home I sat in my other chair doing nothing at all.

I heard the front door open and laughing. "Jes," she died laughing.
I didn't come to bed with her that night, I didn't want to see her or speak to her. She walked into the office. "Hey baby," she smiled.

I ignored her I didn't look at her, is she going to act like she didn't say any of that shit at all. She walked toward me and place her lips on my cheek. I stopped her and didn't say anything.

"What's wrong," she asked looking at me confused. I scoffed and looked at my phone. "Why are you scoffing for what happened," she asked.

"Are you fucking serious," I looked at her. "Yeah?" She looked genuinely confused. "You let another fucking guy call you Lia then wiped my fucking kiss-off like I'm a damn dog," I yelled standing up.

"Ok ok calm down tell me what happened," she said calming touching my arm I moved her hand and walked out of the office to my car.

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