Chapter 30

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I heard her groaning in pain, I hate hearing her like that. "Baby," I said softly. "Zane leave," she said. "Ok I'll leave," I'm not fucking leaving what the hell would I look like.

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed her tacos and water. I brought it to the room and placed it on the side table. "There's food right here," I whispered.

She picked her head up she looked like she was balling her eyes out. I slipped into bed with her and rubbed her stomach softly. She placed her head on my chest. "I'm sorry for being mean to you," she mumbled.

"It's ok, I brought half of the store here," she laughed softly. "I have pads tampons don't know the fucking different," she laughed again. "Candy flowers pills," I said.

"Thank you," she mumbled. "When did it start," I asked. "Yesterday," she mumbled I nodded and combed my fingers through her hair.

"You need to learn the difference between pads and tampons for your future daughter," she mumbled. My heart did that flicker shit when she see her.

"Ok, I'll learn," I whispered. She doesn't know the fucking control she has over me. I heard her snore quietly. I smiled keeping my hand on her lower stomach.
I kissed her forehead.
She got up and ate her tacos she felt a little better. "Do you want to play Uno," she asked. "Whatever you want princess," she got up and grabbed the box.

She gave me 7 cards and we started to play. I won all the 5 rounds "No," she threw the cards. "I fucking hate this and I hate you," she yelled and walked out the room.

Oh... I got up she was on the couch pouting. "Baby," I said. "No fuck you don't talk to me," she said. "But I love you," I kissed her. She wiped the kiss-off.

She's pissed "ok," I walked to the room waiting until she calm down. After 5 minutes she walked in and laid on me. "I'm sorry I don't hate you I love you," she said. "I love you," I kissed her hair.

It smelt like vanilla and cinnamon. "Would you fuck me on my period," she put her chin on my chest and looked up at me.

"If you feel comfortable I don't mind a little blood," I smirked at her. Shit, I can't make the killing people jokes. "You sure," she asked. "Yeah why are you horny," I asked.

"Nope just wondering," she put the side of her face on my chest. "Ok," I rubbed her back. I checked my phone it was 7 pm.

"You can leave answer your phone calls I'm fine", she sat up. "No princess I'll stay," I said. I want to stay one I don't want to work and two I like to hang out with her.

"No you can go, I promise I'm fine," she said. "Do you want me to go," I asked? "No, but you can," she said. She feels guilty. "Don't feel guilty I want to be here I'll do the work tomorrow," I rubbed her cheek.

"What if I don't feel good tomorrow," she asked. "I'll stay in bed with you again until you feel better," I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.
*Amelia Pov*
I walked downstairs with just Zane's shirt no bra no panties his white shirt went passed my butt.

"Why do I always find you half-naked," I heard a voice I turned to see Olivia. "The first time you almost killed me," I smiled at her.

"I know sorry about that again," she hugged me I haven't seen her in a while. "Where have you been," I asked letting her go.

"Working really busy," she simply answered. I nod and we walked into the kitchen. "Princess," I heard Zane call out. "Yeah," I shouted back. "Don't say anything dirty your sister is here," I yelled.

Olivia laughed "Thank you for the warning," he walked in with sweatpants and no shirt. I laughed "I want to hear it later." He kissed my ear "Trust me you'll hear a lot later." "I should go call him," Olivia said.

"And who the hell is that him," Zane immediately got protective. Olivia is more like his daughter than baby sister their relationship is amazing. "Relax I was playing," she said.

"You better be Livy bear," she rolled her eyes at the name. That is adorable. "Don't call me that I'm 19," she said. "You'll always be my baby," he kissed her forehead.

She rolled her eyes, "It's Livy or nothing." "Ok Livy bear," he smiled at her. "Ok Zane Fang," she smirked at him. He seems to hate that name.

"Olivia! That shit is not funny," he said raising his voice a little. "Ok it's not funny," she said. He rolled his eyes.

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