Chapter 13

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"Morning Mr. Everett," I placed the coffee on his desk. "You have 3 meetings one with Huiels, Michelle, and Kimmy," I said. "You have lunch with your wife at 2."

"That lunch," he said. "What about it do I need to change the time?" I asked. "Change it to lunch with Amelia," he smirked at me. "It's your wife," I corrected. "Are you really still mad it's been 2 weeks," he said.

"Should have listened," I shrug. "I've apologized multiple times, I've brought you flowers, candy, I gave you kisses, and you're still mad," he said. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room.

He's right he gave me candy, flowers, kisses, and apologized every chance he got. I love being mad at him. I called Jes.
"Your still mad at him," Jes laughed.
"Well no but I love the way he treats me when I'm mad," I said.

"Yes rob him for his love," he said I laughed and turned to the window. "How is Utah," I asked sadly. "It's ok but we miss you Blake never stops asking about you," he said sadly.

I groaned "I fucking miss him." "He misses you." "How's New York." "New York is New York I love it here but I would rather be in Utah," I tapped on my armrest.

"Yeah but you got an extremely hot Italian boyfriend there so...," he said I laughed "He's not my boyfriend he has—," he cut me off. "Wife yes we know, who he obviously doesn't love," Jes said.

"Still doesn't make it right," I heard a knock on the door. "Come in hold on Jes."
A lady walked in with a big bouquet of roses. She placed the on my desk and showed me the small card. She walked out.

"What was it," Jes asked. "Flowers," I smiled. He squeal I started to read the card.

-Keep playing with fire watch how you get burnt-

I looked at it "Yeah Jes I'll have to call you later." "Ok tell me the deets later," he hung up. What the hell. I grabbed the card and flowers. I bused opened his office door he looked at me.

"Thanks for the fucking flowers asshole," I put them on the desk. "Oh and the card yeah really iconic," I ripped it up and threw it at him.

He looked all so confused. "What the hell pause, I didn't send you flowers today, and what," he said.

He put the card together and looked at what was written on it. "What the hell-," he mumbled. "So you didn't send those," he stood up. "No why would I send you something like that come with me."

I followed him to the elevator he got it, and the ride was quiet. I felt bad I accused him of something he didn't do. He analyzed the card. We walked into the lobby "Who gave them," he asked.

I pointed to the familiar lady we walked to her. "Who gave Roberts the flowers," Zane got straight to the point. The lady turned "Well sir your wife of course for Ms. Roberts's birthday."

That crazy bitch, Zane turned to me. "At least it wasn't someone else," Zane ruffed and walked away. "Wait," I followed him onto the elevator.

"What do you mean, what does she mean by burnt," I said. "Don't be worried Loran only talks trust me I wouldn't put you in harm's way," he said I gave him an unsure nod.

"I'm sorry," I looked at him. He looked at me and just nod then back at his phone. He actually looked hurt I walked to him and grabbed his hand. "I am really sorry," I stood on my tippy toes and pecked his lips.

I looked up at him "Can you forgive me?" "Amelia when you finish work go home," he walked out of the elevator moving me aside.

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