Chapter 31

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"My father is not your concern," he yelled at me. I scoff at him "Of course because nothing is my concern." "It's nothing you need to worry about Lia," he said.

I rolled my eye and ran upstairs I slammed the bedroom door closed and sat behind the door trying to cool off. "Lia," he knocked on the door I opened the door.

"What," I said. "I'm sorry for yelling," he said. I rolled my eyes "I don't care." I walked to the bed and got on my phone.

He walked toward me and kissed my jaw, I moved away from him. "Stop kissing me I don't want to kiss you," I said. "Ok," he walked out. Fucking asshole.

I didn't talk to him all day or looked at him.

That night

I was already laying down ready for bed when he got home. He didn't say anything and went straight to the shower. I closed my eyes and get a dip in the bed. "Are you still mad?" I ignored him.

"I get your mad but you've been ignoring me all day," he said. "Learnt your lesson," I mumbled. "What lesson," he said. "Guess not," I turned away from him.

Practically heard the eye roll, I felt him moving. I went to bed.
I can back from the gym sweaty and hot. I walked upstairs Zane was on his laptop.

He looked up at me I ignore him and walked to the shower I took off all my clothes and walked into the burning hot water. I let my skin relax in the water.

I didn't tell him where I was going I just left. He's going to say something I bet you. Always does.

I got out and wrapped myself in a towel I walked to the bed and sat down texting Jes back. "What did I tell you about not telling me where you're going," he said.

"Your not my father last time I checked you were my boyfriend," I got up and walked to the closet changing my clothes.

I walked back into the room and lay on the bed. "Get off the bed go sleep across the hall," he said. This mother fucker. "Ok," I shrug I got up and grabbed my phone.

I walked to the guest room, laid down, and shut my eyes. I woke up to a phone call. I asked "Hello?" "Foods downstairs I'm not going to be home for a while," Zane said sounding like a car door shutting.

"Ok," I mumbled. "Lia," he said I hummed. "I love you." "You don't love me enough to kick me out of the room," I said. "I do love you," he said I rolled my eyes. "Ok, sure whatever Zane," I hung up.

I threw my phone across the room. Fucking lier...

I was eating dinner alone in the dining room. The front door open it was around 9 pm. "Why are you just now eating," Zane sat down at his plate.

"I just got home," I said. "And where the hell did you go," he said. "Out," I said putting the pasta in my mouth. "Out where," he sat back in the chair.

I shrugged he slammed his hand on the table. The entire table moved I put my fork down and looked at him I was startled but I didn't show that I was.

He looked so over me, "I'm tired of your fucking shit." "Aw I don't care," I said. "Amelia get the hell out of my house," he said. "Gladly," I got up and threw the napkin that was on my lap on the table.

I didn't leave I just walked to the guest bedroom. I knew what he meant by leave. I just sat on my phone. The door opened "I'm tired of being mad at each other," he closed the door behind him.

I looked up at him. "I want to fuck then cuddle," he said walking towards me. I looked back down at my phone. "Oh this, you being mad at me thing is over I can't argue with you," he said.

He lifted my chin making me look up at him. He pressed his lips gently on mine I closed my eyes and enjoyed the kiss.

He hovered over me putting his hand on my jaw. "You didn't say you loved me back," he stopped kissing me. "I love you." "That's not enough," he said.

"Then what, do you want to make you remember how much I love you," I bit my lip. "Sex." "Read my mind," I smiled.

He looked down at his pants I followed his eyes the biggest bulged in his pants I've ever seen I mean I haven't had sex with him in a week.

I bit my lip and sat up I grabbed him by the belt pulling him to me. I unbuckled his belt and unzipped his hands. I pulled his pants down. I rub my hand on his dick his boxers were thin.

He groaned "fuck."

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