Chapter 43

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"Lia," Zane said behind me. I turned to him "you look amazing," his eyes fell to my body. I smiled "Thank you!"

"Come on you took a while getting dressed," he said. "Yeah sorry," I said. "Don't say sorry my love," he grabbed my hand and we walked outside to the car.

He opened the door and we both got in the car. He was jumpily excited. "What's wrong with you," I laughed softly. "Nothing," he smiled sweetly at me.

"Your so handsome," I smiled. "Your sexy," he complimented. "Thank you"
We sat at the restaurant table he held my hand looking extremely nervous. "Hi I'm your waitress what are you guys celebrating," she asked sweetly.

"Anniversary," I answered. "How long?" She asked. "A year," I said. "Oh congratulations," she said excitedly.

"Thank you!" "Your welcome what can I start you guys off with," she looked at us. "I would like shrimp Alfredo," I looked at the menu. "Ok," she wrote it on her notepad. "And you sir?"

"Burger and fries," he closed the menu. "Ok I'll be right out with your meals," she walked away. "Ok so why are you so nervous," I looked at him.

"I don't know just work," he said I nodded sipping my water. "I'll be back I have to take a call," I gave him a soft nod before he got up and walked towards the back.

By the time he came back the food was here. He sat down and we both started to eat. "I met you a year ago from today broke and lonely," I smiled at him.

"And now your rich and loved," he grinned back. I smiled "I want to talk to you about something," I said getting serious. He looked at me then chewed on his fry.

"Um ok I'm really nervous," I said he looked at me with a confused expression. "I'm pregnant," I blurted out.

He looked at me for a second then stood up. Was he going to leave? He grabbed my hand pulled me up and picked me up.

I laughed "I'm going to be a dad." I nodded "You're going to be a da-," my ears started to ring. Zane placed us on the floor covering my body. "Zane," I gasped.

He looked at me then down at my bullet wound by my lung. "No-no," he frantically looked around and Applied pressure. "Lia please," he begged tears running from his face. "Zane," I grabbed his hand.

"No no Lia please don't-," he choked on his cries. "Baby I'll be ok," I whispered. "No no I won't be," he cried.

"Hey it's ok," I rubbed his cheek softly. "No please Lia I need you," he placed his head on my shoulder. "I love you, Zane," I mumbled.

"No, no this can't be the end," he cried. "It won't I won't let it happen," he said. "Baby it is," I whispered. "N-no" "you didn't let me ask you to marry me you didn't let me say the words," his breath gone shakiness.

He pulled something out of his pocket a tiny velvet box.
"Say the words," I choked on blood. "No I want to marry you I want to have a family with you I want to grow old together."

"Me too but we can't it always comes to an end," I whispered. "It was my fault I have people that hate me I was too slow I put my guard down I didn't think," he whispered. "No don't blame yourself never blame yourself."

"I love yo-"

*Zane Everett Pov*

I walked into the house with blood on my suit. Her blood. Olivia saw me and gasped running to me I instantly dropped to the ground she held me on the floor. "Zane what happened," she whispered.

"She's dead they killed it," I whispered. "Who's dead where's Amelia," she looked around. Jessie walked in and ran to us.

"They killed my Lia."


They y'all I'm balling my fucking eyes out I can't do this shit... I feel like a terrible person for killing her but I need a sad ending I hoped you enjoyed it!!!!


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