Chapter 39

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"Let me ride your face," I bit my lip. "Ok," he agreed. We walked to the bed he pulled my pants off and my panties.

He laid on the bed pulling me up onto his body. He pulled me up until my pussy hovered over his face. "Pretty little pussy," he ran his finger in between my lower lips.

I moaned quietly "You're always so wet for me," he whispered I felt his hot breath on my wet pussy.

"Let's see if I can make you wetter," he didn't need to see anything he knows he can make me drip.

He tried to push me onto his face but I stopped myself with my knees. "No wait," I said my knees on either side of his face.

"What's the wrong princess." "What if I fucking strangled you," I said he laughed "You won't come on," he said "but what-what if you can't breathe," I asked.

"I'll just pick you up off of my face," he said. "No, but what if I'm too heavy and you can't pick me up," I said. "Your not heavy and I can pick you up," he said. "But what if I am," I said.

"Lia your not heavy your the lightest human I've held ever," he said but I still was not nearly convinced. "Oh my god Lia I'll squeeze your thighs twice," he said.

"Ok," that made me feel better. "Now hurry up and let me fucking eat," I sat on his face. I moaned feeling his tongue lick my insides.

He held the inner part of my thighs. He squeezed them but not twice. His tongue made circles under me I moaned and looked up at the ceiling.

I grabbed onto the sheets on either side of us. I felt his lips kiss my lower lips softly then his long tongue again. His tongue was extra long and it was basically flexible.

He could do fucking anything with his tongue and he was so good at everything. I moved my hips slowly feeling the sensations run through my body. "Faster," he mumbled the vibrations from him talking made me gasp.

I rolled my hips on his face speeding up my pace. I pulled the sheets up to my body I felt complete and utter pleaser. I had no control if I had an orgasm or not it was up to him and his tongue.

My mind was a mess I didn't know what to do or feel. I started to scream feeling my orgasm come. He grabbed my hips hand and bounced me on his tongue.

"O-oh-oh my god," I moaned he moved his tongue inside me feeling my insides. I felt my wall clench but that didn't stop him at all.

He flipped us over I was on my hands and knees. He was not laying down anymore he licked and licked. "Oh my god, Zane!" I screamed.

"Roll your hips onto my tongue," he said I rolled my hips back onto his tongue as I was told. I threw my head into the sheets that were scrunched in my hand.

My whole body was hot I felt like I was going to fucking collapse at any second. I groaned "I'm so fucking hot." He stopped I looked back at him rolling a condom on.

"Zane you just said-," I screamed feeling him bury himself inside me. "What did I say," he grunted. "Y-you said only ride your face," I moaned. "I know what I said darling," he put one hand on my back.

I still had my shirt on but it was rolled from all the movement we did. He pounded himself inside me I felt like I was in heaven and hell at the same time.

It felt so good but was so fucking painful. "fuck daddy it hurts," I moaned I've never used that word ever. "Daddy?" He questioned as it was new to him.

"Yes daddy it hurts," I moaned rolling my hips back onto him. "I like that," he grabbed my hips and pounded into me.

I smiled and groaned "Faster please daddy." "Yes princess," he grabbed a fistful of my hair and pounded into me the other hand on my hip.

"Oh fuck," I moaned into the sheets. My entire body was burning hot, I felt like I was going to die I pulled off my shirt and my legs started to shake.

I couldn't take it anymore I was too unbearable. "Oh fuck oh fuck yes yes," I moaned but I loved every second of this torture.

"Fuck you feel amazing," he utters in Italian. "Yes keep speaking Italian," I moaned. "I'm going to destroy you," I didn't know what he said but it was the hottest thing I've ever heard.

I wanted to give him the best head in the world and beat his ass at the same time.

I felt myself being overwhelmed I grabbed onto the end of the bed he fucked me so hard the headboard hit the wall each time he thrust.

I screamed, "ok ok fuck I'm done." "You didn't cum yet," he continued. I groaned feeling the orgasm come. "I'm gonna cum," I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Go ahead darling cum on daddy's dick," I grabbed his hand and put it on my lower stomach. I pounded myself into his hips while I came. "Yes fuck daddy, your cock is so big," I moaned.

"Yes yes, I'm coming," I moaned feeling liquid drip on my leg. He pulled his condoms up so much with his cum that it spilled on my thigh.

He flipped me over so I was laying on my back. I panted my body hurt my pussy was hot so hot that it felt like it was burning. "Baby it's hot," I whimpered.

He walked to the bathroom and then out of the room. He walked in with a bowl of us. Without a word he put one ice cube in his mouth and opened my legs.

That was extremely red. With his mouth, he rubbed the ice on my hot pussy. I moaned at the cold feeling.

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