Chapter 18

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After he made me cum for the 3rd time he walked into the bathroom. He opened my legs and wiped my cum off with toilet paper.

He walked to the bathroom to throw it away "You should have licked it off." "Should have asked," he walked out the room. I laid under the covers I felt cold.

He walked in with something I couldn't see it was too dark. "Here," he handed me something. "It's a spoon women take it," he said.

I took it he sat next to me in just boxers. He opened I've adjusted my eyes to a small ice cream tub. He got a spoon full and up it in his mouth I did the same.

I love how we can be normal after sex the last relationship my ex could never. He didn't clean me up after sex, or compliment me, kiss me after sex, or eat ice cream with me. He would leave right after he came not after me just him.

I put my head on Zane's chest. We continued to eat the chocolate ice cream, "why chocolate." "I don't really know," he said I laughed. "Oh right because I didn't know which one you liked."

"Seems like someone needs to get to know me better," I said. "Yes I do so I came to marry you right after," he mumbled. Marry me?!?!?

"Our wedding better is gorgeous," I mumbled. "Trust me it will be," he said. I nod slowly and blink my eyes close.

*Zane Everett Pov*

She fell asleep I gently ran my fingers through her soft straight jet black hair. I put her head on a pillow and got up taking both our spoon to the sink and the chocolate ice cream to the freezer.

I looked at the wine stain on the couch I have to get cleaners. I walked into the room lying next to her and kissed her forehead. I fell asleep cuddled up with her.

I woke up in the middle of the night to her waking me up. "Zane," I hummed in response. "Can I be the big spoon," she asked. "You're not going to like it," I mumbled.

"No I will," she said. I know she'll hate it. "Ok go ahead," I mumbled. She laid behind me and it her arms around my back.

I went to sleep then less than 5 minutes later I have woke again. "Hm," I hum. "I don't like it," she mumbles. "I told you." "Can we change," she asked. "Yeah." She lay in front of me.

I put my arms around her she nuzzled her head into my chest. Fuck she's naked.

*Amelia Pov*
"Good morning Mr. Everett here's your coffee," I placed it on his desk. "Thank you," he sipped it. He loves the cold coffee now.

Thanks to me because he wouldn't try anything new. "Ok so today you have a meeting at 9:30, lunch with Aston at 12:20, a meeting with P.L.A.D at 2, and a date with me at 9," I smiled at the end.

He also had a smile on his face looking down at his watch. "Don't be late for that date Zane," I said trying to make my tone stern. Which did not work at all.

"I won't," he said. "Wear something sexy so I can fuck you after," he smiled up at me. "Even if I wear a garbage bag you would still fuck me," I rolled my eyes.

He chuckled softly "No lie there." "Do you know how skilled your tongue is I want it later," I said.

"Ok," he said. "Ok have a good day," I walked out of his room. I sat in my office chair and my door opened I looked up.

His wife why is she here. "Hi miss how can I help you," I smiled as she sat across the table from me. "I know you're fucking my husband." We're doing way more than just fucking.

"Ma'am, why would you think that?" I asked faking my concerned tone. "You think I'm dumb," yes I think you're a slow bitch. "No," I smiled up at her.

It's funny how she doesn't know how much I could ruin her life right now she's the one playing with fire.

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