Chapter 19

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"Well Ms. I don't care I have work and if you want to talk to me about your husband's sex life I can't really help you because I wouldn't know now if you can excuse yourself out," I smiled.

She rolled her eyes and practically stomped out of the room. I laughed.

I want her to try and threaten me again.
I went home and took a shower, I washed my hair to make sure it wasn't greasy. I was wrapped in a towel my phone rang.

I answered it while I was putting a little makeup on. "Hey Jes," I smiled. "Hey Amelia you look amazing where are you going," he asked. "Date." He squealed "where to?"

"I don't really know, but I need you to choose my outfit," I said. He nod, I walked over to the closet and got 2 dresses.
"A redshirt dress with silk or a-," he cut me off.

"Move over," I moved so he could see my closet. "That fucking glittery one," he said. I grabbed it "Are you sure it's not too much."

"Yes I'm sure the others are basic you need to be seen, your body is amazing so show it off, and Zane would die," he said.

I smiled "ok." I changed I can change like that in front of Jes because we're just comfortable. "Yes bitch slay," he said.

I laughed looking in the mirror I got a text.

Here I come don't go outside I'll knock on your door and come get you.

"Ok Jes I have to call you later," I said. "Ok tell me if you get fucked tonight," he said. "I got you," then I hung up.

I walked to the bathroom to touch anything up. It was already 9:30. A knock on my door I walked to it and opened it.
His eyes immediately went to my dress.

"Do you want to skip dinner and get straight to it?" he asked. I laughed "No we're supposed to get to know each other." He smacked his lips "Come on gorgeous female," he grabbed my hand.

We walked down the stairs and a guy opened the door to a limo. We both go in. "Sorry I'm late I had to finish up a little business," he put his hand on my thigh.

His cologne was amazing he smelt so good

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His cologne was amazing he smelt so good. He always wears suits but lord did he look fine as hell.

He walked two of his fingers up and down my thigh. From my knee to my inner thigh close to that area.

"It's ok," I smiled at him. At least I didn't get stood up. The car stopped and the door opened. He grabbed my hand and we walked into the gorgeous restaurant.

It was amazing it had fairly lights hanging from the ceiling the chandeliers were abstract. It all was amazing.

"Reservations?" A lady asked. "For Everett," Zane said. She nodded, "Right this way." We followed her to a table we sat down. "Your waiter will be right with you," then she left.

I wasn't paying attention then looked at Zane who was just staring. I smiled "What." "You're the most gorgeous human in the entire world," he said.

"Ok, you're exaggerating," I laughed. "I'm not," he shrugged. The waiter came to us a male around my age. "Sorry to interrupt but what can I get you and the beautiful lady," he smiled at me.

I blushed at his compliment and smiled back. "How about you go fuck yourself and get us another waiter," I was surprised I'd never heard him talk to anyone like that ever.

But I turned on the waiter and walked away. "Zane!" I said. "What," he looked at me pissed off. "That was not nice to say," I looked at him. He rolled his eyes "Zane" I said again.

"What!" He looked at me again. "That wasn't nice." "That's what you keep saying," he said.

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