Extraaaa ;)

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An extra sex scene because I forgot to put it in...Enjoy

My phone dinged. I looked at it.

-My office now.-
Uh oh, I got up and walked to his office I open the door and closed it.

"Sir?" He turned his chair to face me. "Come darling," my heels clicked on the floor as I walked to him.

"Sit" I sat facing him on his lap. He rubbed his finger under my chin gently. "You make me think naughty things." "Why is that sir," I put my arms slowly up around his neck.

"Your gorgeous fucking body," he looked at my lips. "Does my body make you want to do naughty things to me," I asked slowly making it really hard not to get hard.

"Really naughty things I bet you'll love that, hmm?" He rubbed his thumb on my neck. "Yes," my breath hitched.

I put my head up he place kissed my neck slowly. "I want naughty things done to me," I close my eyes.

"Your a naughty little girl," he picked me up. I was turned over now bent over on his desk.

"Yes," I moan feeling his fingers ride along in between my lower lips. "A naughty girl like you like this," he slowly focus on my wet panties.

"Yes, I like this," I put my head on the desk feeling the cold air hit my exposed lips. He pulled my panties down to my ankles.

"I bet you touch yourself thinking about me," he says slowly sitting on his chair. "So do you?"

"Oh fuck," I moaned touching myself. "Fuck Zane," I screamed.

"Yes," I looked up. "How do you touch yourself," he rubbed my pussy softly. "Like this," he questioned I moaned. "Or like this," he pounded his fingers inside me.

I screamed "Oh-fuck" "like this I see," he stopped. "No please-continue," I said. "You like that, you like me being rough to your tight pussy," I felt his hot breath on my pussy.

"Yes," I said. I felt licking softly I groaned "Faster." "Faster what," he mumbled. "Faster sir." He licked faster I reached for a book that was on his desk.

I grabbed onto it, "Y-yes." He stopped I looked over my shoulder and he smirked. That smirk never leaves his face.

I felt his thumb lightly rub me. I put my forehead on the desk "These skirts that you wear," he says slowly. "There's very inappropriate Ms. Roberts."

"These short-short skirts," I felt his tongue again I started to scream as he flicked his touch.

"Yes I'm very inappropriate," I moaned. "Very, you like to have your ass out." "Yes," I groaned. "Showing everyone something that is mine," he sucked.

I grabbed onto the end of the desk "N-no," "really are we lying now." "N-no."

He flipped me over "Stop fucking lying darling, you don't have to lie." He hovered over me "No sir, I-I promise," I felt my legs shake.

"Mmh, I will pound my entire dick into you and punish you for lying to me," he threatened. "I'm not lying, sir."

He picked me up and sat me up on his desk. He opened my legs up. He sat in his chair. He pulled the underwear off from my ankles. "Put these in your mouth shut up and don't scream," he held up my panties.

I put them in my mouth and turned on all fours. I felt his dick pound into me. I moaned the panties stopped my moans and cries.

He grabbed my waist pounding harder I cried tears running down my face. "piccola puttana," he said in Italian.

"You like getting completely destroyed," he muttered sounding pissed. I nodded frantically put my head on the desk and cried.

Until I felt him cum, my body was sore my mind was all over the place. He turned me over me still sitting on his desk.

He took the now wet panties out of my mouth. "Your done getting punished now don't let it happen again, Amelia." I nodded "Ok."

I got off his desk and pulled my skirt down. He put my panties in his pocket.

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