Chapter 8

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Before anything else, a gazillion thanks to everyone who patiently wait and read my book.

Would you look at that? 600 and counting reads! Mere words cannot express my happiness and gratitude towards you guys. :')

Enjoy reading this chapter!


[Ysabelle's POV]

Okay. I take it back. I want to see him tortured.

Mom glared at me before saying, "Seems like you and Leonard exchanged phones earlier."

I gulped. As soon as Leonard gets out of this house, she's gonna give a speech about responsibility which will take an hour.

Thankfully, Leonard spoke up. "Umm... Ma'am? Can I speak to Ysabelle in private?"

Mom and 'dad' exchanged glances before they agreed.

I dragged Leo outside, leading the way to the garden. I sat on the bench, inhaling the sweet fragrance of the flowers.

Leonard sat next to me. We just sat there, not minding each other for a moment. It was he who decided to break the silence.

[Leonard's POV]

"Uh... Ysabelle?" I began.

"Hmm?" She said, not looking at me.

"Look, I don't know what I did to make you feel angry..."

She was about to protest but I stopped her.

"But, anyways, I'm sorry. I just wanted to clear the air between us."

Her expression softened as she started to listen to me.

"I don't want to waste our years of friendship for something so irrational. I know it's partly my fault, even if I know I did nothing." I muttered that last part under my breath, knowing that it would offend her.

"And I wanted to make it up to you."

She snorted.

"Stop ruining the moment. Anyway, can we be friends? You know, when were, like, 10 years ago?"

[Ysabelle's POV]

My contorted with shock.

For the first time in forever, I really don't know what to answer.

If I say no, my poor ex-bestie will cry his eyes out. As if I care.

If I say yes...

Well, it is better if I say yes. I mean, what could happen? I'm not selling my soul to the devil, am I?

"Uhh... Sure." I said.

He looks as if he is going to explode with joy.


I rolled my eyes. "No. We are never going to be friends ever again." I said sarcastically.

He squealed, which I strongly disliked, then he hugged me, much to my suprise.

Lub-dub. My eyes widened. WTF? What is he doing?


Lub-dub. I awkwardly patted his back and pulled away.

"I ship it!" Somebody yelled in the background. A lot of shuffling followed then the same silence came back a few seconds ago.

His face redden as if realizing what he just did then reached into his pocket.

"Uh... Here's your phone." He handed me my phone as I gave him his.

"I must go home now. See you on Monday, friend." He smiled as he started to walk away.

I just smiled weakly as I looked around, checking if there were papparazzi lurking in the shadows.


I shrugged as I headed back to the house.


There you go! The eighth chapter is now finished! (\^_^/)

Anyway, sorry if it took a few days before I updated. The wifi at our place has almost no reception.

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