Chapter 12

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[Ysabelle's POV]

The video spread like wildfire, making my classes awkward.

Students were whispering about us behind our back.

Leonard seemed to enjoy every second of it, though.

"Miss Santos? What are you doing?" My Math teacher, Sir Matthew, asked, irritated.

"I was just thinking, sir." I said.

"Of whom?" He asked and gave a knowing look at the rest of the class who chuckled.

"No one, sir" I said, barely audible, while hiding my red face.

I can see in the corner of my eye that Leonard smirking at me, making me blush even more.

Ugh. This is not the Ysabelle I knew. I said to myself while clenching my fists. I shook my head, as if it will help clearing my head off.

I sensed a presence behind my back.

I didn't look back, knowing who that certain person is.

"It's okay, babe. We'll make it together, right?" Leo whispered softly in my ear.

My eyebrows furrowed deeply but I didn't say anything.

"Silence means 'yes', babe" He whispered already drawing back to his seat.

The whole class, including Sir Matt, saw this and tried to contain their laughter then sir wrote the intials 'Y+L' on the board.

Is it just me, or I'm the straightest person in this room?

I had enough for this day.

I stood up and glared at everyone, including sir. They immediately shut up and shrunk back in their seats, since I have this trademark glare that sends everyone back to the frickin' cave they crawled from.

I turned to Leonard. He just gave a nervous smile.

I slapped him hard in the face.

The impact is so hard that I could estimate that you can hear the sound 12.55 meters from here.

Leonard just sat there, mouth hanging open, digesting what just happened while the class gave a collective gasp.

I grabbed my books and my bag then walked out of the door, tears glistening in my eyes.

I ran to my secret part of the school and cried my heart out.

I should stop.

I'm a premature kid and my heart wasn't that developed. It couldn't handle sudden spikes of emotion and caused me to pass out last time. I wouldn't want another Leonard to carry me to the infirmary now, would I?

I just sighed and let hot tears to flow to my cheeks.

[Andrew's POV]

"See you tomorrow, captain." Luis said.

I just nodded at him out of tiredness.

Yes! I could finally rest after hours of training!

I took a shower, changed my clothes and decided to go to my private part of the garden. It's so nice there. The roses' smell reminds me of Ysabelle.

I was already near my spot when I heard somebody sobbing. In. My. Territory. >:\

My heart was torn between anger and concern.

Anger, because a dam bitch stole my territory.



Concern, because her sobs remind me of someone.

Anyway, I chose not to explode and decided to help whoever that girl is.

I'm suprised to see the love of my life sobbing hard.

"Ysabelle? What wrong?" I asked, reaching out to hug her.

She didn't reply. She didn't protest. She just cried on my shoulder.

I rubbed her back, trying to calm her down. "Shh. It's okay. Everything going to be fine."

She calmed down a bit.

"Come on. I'll take you home."  I said, offering my hand to help her stand up.

She gladly accepted it and nodded.

I carried her things and held her hand, hoping it will soothe her down, and walked to the gate and hailed a taxi.

[Leonard's POV]

Shit. I messed up. The sting from her slap still frickin' hurts.

I need to say sorry to her. Again.

I excused myself and grabbed my things, hoping to catch up to Ysabelle.

But I was too late.

I saw her leaning to Andrew and he was holding her hand as if he was her boyfriend.

I felt a twinge of jealousy in my heart.

It hurts.

I dunno what could happen worse today.

[That biatch's POV]

"...So Ysabelle slapped Leonard in the face and she walked out."

I grinned. Their relationship is finally falling apart. There wasn't even a relationship to start with.

I let out a laugh.

"What? You are laughing because your friend cried? That's crazy." Mandy said, completely bewildred.

Yes, I'm crazy. Crazy in love with Leo.

"Oh. It's nothing. I just saw a joke in my laptop." I reassured her.

"Oookay... Goodbye-"

I ended the phone before she can continue.

I looked at my wallpaper which showed me and Leonard kissing. Completely edited though.

I sighed.

Someday this will happen. I mentally said to myself. Ysabelle and Leonard were never meant to be.


Finally, another chapter finished!

Whew! Who knew high school would be this complicated.

Anyway, I want to dedicate this chapter to @princesshbreanne_29.
Follow her because she's awesome. ;)





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