The Great Fall

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  It was a sunny day with ALOT of clouds. Everyone in Class 5 Starfruit 🌟 was rushing to chemistry class, this includes our main protagonist, Roan-kun. Roan-kun was a 17 year old highschooler with 12 packs abs and awesome slick black hair. He also owned a pair of fun glasses which he often breaks because of his careless nature.

  Chasing after his classmates, he rushed toward the large metal door when suddenly...CRASH!

  ROAN-KUN crashed into someone and accidently kissed them 💋 😗. IT WAS NONE OTHER THAN AMEER-CHAN.

  "OMIGOSH, AMEER-CHAN I DIN'T MEAN TO DO THAT!!!" Roan-kun squeaked. "GET AWAY FROM ME YOU MONSTER!!!!" Ameer-chan squealed loudly as she ran off crying.

  Soon after that Senpai Sam came running over to Roan-kun. "WHAT ON EARTH HAPPENED HERE KOUHAI?". " Senpai Sam, whatever should I do, we accidentally crashed into each other and now she hates me 😭bOOhOo😭."

  Sam looked worried for the future of his hopeless kouhai. "It's alright Roan, I know you didn't mean it, I'll go talk it out with Ameer-chan."

  "Thank you senpai, I don't know how I'll repay you..." Roan-kun said with tears at the very corner of his dewy eyes. "10 bucks would do just fine" Senpai Sam smiled :)


Roan-kunXAmeer-chanWhere stories live. Discover now