This kira kira doki doki feeling...

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The gang slowly opened their eyes to bright lights and loud noises... they were in their school nurse's very boring office!!! "Wow, I didn't even know this school HAD a nurse's office" Senpai Sam muttered.

Slowly their eyes focused on the few figures in the room and the balloons everywhere. Senpai Jamie and Senpai Jen SCREAMED AT THEM HAPPILY!!! YOU ARE AWAKE GUYS! I TOT WE KILLED YALL 😄😁😅🥳🤯!!!

"Wha..what happened???" Yang-kun asked confused.

"We tried to drug you guys and sell yall for money! But Roan-kun's awesome mukbang skills saved all of you!" Senpai Jamie answered.

At this very moment Senpai Jen gave them all the tickets Roan-kun won and sent them home, not only were Senpai Jamie and Senpai Jen part-time cooks they were also part-time Nurses!

After making sure they were alright. They were allowed to leave... as the gang left. Dish-kun came out of hiding. DAMN! I even added CAROLINA REAPER SAUCE... how did Roan-kun do it! Did he see through my disguise...? Impossible!!! CURSE YOU ROAN!!!

It was then he realised Senpai Jamie and Senpai Jyan had locked the nurse's office...

"Did you hear the screaming? That was kinda creepy..." Senpai Jamie asked.

"It was probably Hanako-kun." Added Senpai Jen as they walked off.

While waiting for their cars. Roan-kun was in deep thought,  thinking about his friendship outing with Ameer-chan. But he was confused why his heart was pumping so hard. He shrugged it off. "It's probably an after effect from the drugs...r-right??"

SUDDENLY! A big white van opened up and Yang-kun was dragged in by a pink haired woman... "YANG-KUN NOOO!!" Senpai Sam rushed to help him but Yang-kun reassured him that it was alright. The woman dragging him by the collar was none other than his older sister, Yen-san.

Yen-san drove off with Senpai Jamie and Senpai Jen while Yang-kun could be heard crying at the back of the van.

Ameer-chan was finally alone with Roan-kun (excluding Senpai Sam's loud sobs in the distance)... She was gonna ask him to go to the theme park with her when Roan-kun suddenly called out to her...

Roan-kunXAmeer-chanWhere stories live. Discover now