Confession - R.Draken

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Genre: fluff, school AUCharacters: Draken x Reader

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Genre: fluff, school AU
Characters: Draken x Reader


Ryuguji Ken, also known as Draken. You could think about him for hours and never get tired. You could talk about him for hours and never get tired. You could stare at him for hours and never get tired. You didn't even know why you loved him. He was quite intimidating, scary even. He was blunt and would always end up fighting someone. He was not affectionate at all and quite dense when he came to others' feelings. He was really popular at school yet he was not aware of it. He was completely oblivious of the many people admiring, liking, loving him. And among these many people, there was you. You were one of the many who loved him. Though, unlike the others, you were actually close to him. Or at least, you were friends with him. Having grown up with Mitsuya, you would sometimes play with them in a park. And the fact that you went to the same elementary school and middle school helped a lot.

You had been loving him for a long time. Though you did not know why, nor when those feelings started to bubble in your heart. Maybe it was because of his mysterious look? Maybe of how caring he was with Mikey? Maybe it was because of his morals and values? Maybe because he wouldn't hesitate to stand for himself? You didn't know why. All you knew was that you loved him. You would always find yourself looking forward to every meeting with him, or feel extra happy whenever he was in your vicinity. You would always find yourself smiling whenever you were talking to him or extremely flustered when he would smile at you. You would find yourself thinking a lot about him even in mundane situations such as grocery shopping, or making up excuses to text him. That was when you realized your feelings for him.

You knew he was not reciprocating your feelings. It was quite obvious to you. Draken would treat you like any of his friends. He never did anything that could be interpreted as romantic affection. But you didn't mind. You knew it would be a one-sided love and you did not mind. You liked loving him from afar. It was enough for you. You were contented by just being able to be his friend. Though, sometimes you could not help but fancy the idea of dating him. You could not help but imagine what it would be like to be his significant other. Going on dates or talking over the phones until late at night. Giving each other presents or kissing each other. You knew it wasn't really Draken to do some lovey-dovey things (expressing his feeling was not a thing he was keen on doing) but you could not help but fancy this idea.

Every day after school, you would always walk back home with Draken. Most of the time, Mikey was there too, but today, he was not. The Sano boy was meeting with Takemichi, so it was only you and Draken. You loved Mikey a lot though you couldn't help but feel grateful for his absence. You were finally able to spend even just a tiny bit of alone time with Draken. You two were always surrounded by your friends so you could never enjoy only his presence. Though, it made these rare moments even more wholesome and amazing.

You were both walking side by side in silence. It was not an awkward one, it was actually comfortable. Draken was not the talkative type so it was not really a surprise that he was enjoying the gentle silence. You were even grateful for that because you had absolutely no idea how to start a conversation, and you were a hundred percent sure that you would stutter with nervousness and be disrupted by your erratically beating heart and sudden hot body. Besides, this silent strolling allowed you to observe him. And a smile immediately garnished your lips as your eyes landed on his tall figure. His braided silk hair was moving to the soft floral wind of spring as his fair skin was illuminated by the golden hue of the setting sun, giving him an ethereal look. The black dragon tattoo was adorning the side of his head, giving him a fierce look that clashed with the magical look the atmosphere of the moment was giving him.

You eventually tore your eyes away from him, not wanting to get caught staring. You both stopped at a railway crossing. The barrier was down as the signal of a train about to pass was resonating. Soon after, a train passed rapidly, filling the air with an extreme ruckus. You couldn't even hear yourself think with the really loud noises.

Waiting for the train to pass, you moved your eyes to Draken once again. He was looking at the train speeding before his eyes. He seemed lost in his own thoughts. It was amazed you how intensely and deeply you loved him. You cherished every moment you spent with him, no matter how small they could be. You were dying to tell him how you felt. Although, you were afraid to destroy this precious friendship between you both. Besides, you did not want to be rejected. You were contented with the situation you were in, as long as you could walk by his side, it was all right to you. Yet, sometimes, you wanted to shout how much you loved him. Keeping your feeling for yourself for so long was tiring sometimes and you needed to just let it go. You needed to say it at least once.

And as you watched the train flashing before your eyes, an idea crossed your mind. A smile reached your lips. The train was making such a din and racket it could cover your voice. So you inhaled deeply.

"I love you, Draken!" you exclaimed, smiling widely.

You glanced at your side. Draken hadn't moved and was still staring at the train. He hadn't heard you, which made you smile.

It felt good to finally be able to scream your love to him. It felt good to finally let it go. You were keeping it hidden and bottled up so so long that saying it released you from a weight on your shoulders. Your heart was beating with excitement. You finally said it. You admitted your love for him. You didn't know you could feel so blissful by such a silly thing. And yet, here you were, utterly happy about screaming your love for the boy you loved.

Feeling amused, you inhaled again and reiterated the actions once more.

"I love you, Draken!" you exclaimed again.

You giggled as happiness bubbled in your heart once again.

"Did you say something?" you heard. You felt a breath on your ear. "I didn't hear,"

You snapped your head to your side. You froze. Draken had leaned in toward you so he would be sure you had heard him. His face was incredibly close to yours, his lips only millimeters away from yours. You could feel his hot breath on your lips as he looked at you, curious. Your face immediately flushed red as your heart missed a beat. Your mind went blank as you processed what he just asked you. Did he hear you? Did he hear you confessing?

"What- N-no, I-" you panicky said as you stepped back.

But in the nervousness, your foot got caught with your other one causing you to stumble back. Draken was quick to react though. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him, preventing you to fall. Your body collided against his as your face was once again only millimeters away from his. Once again, you stopped dead in your tracks. You stared deeply at his eyes, your breath stuck in your throat. Breathing suddenly felt like an incredibly hard thing to do. His breath was tickling your lips and you could not help but look down at his lips. A thing that did not go noticed by Draken. A smirk ornated his lips as he pulled you closer, brushing his lips against yours. You sucked in your breath as your grip on his arm grew a bit tighter. Your heart was beating so fast you could hear it in your head. Feeling his lips so close to yours, you just wanted to close the gap. You just wanted to feel his lips on yours. You just wanted to taste his lips. But instead, you stood still.

"Careful, you gonna hurt yourself," Draken breathed in an incredibly attractive voice. Your face flushed even more as he let go of you. The train was gone and the barrier was up.

You blinked a few times, trying to process what just happened as he crossed the railway crossing. You hid your face in your hands, extremely embarrassed by what just happened. You didn't even know what to think of it.

"Thanks," you just managed to say, referring to the fact that he stooped you from falling. Draken only chuckled.

"Come on, I'll walk you home," he said. You nodded and catch up with him.

You convinced yourself Draken was not reciprocating your feelings, but you couldn't be more wrong.


A/N: This was inspired by a scene from the manga Blue Spring Ride and from a fanart of Draken and Emma I saw on Twitter.

Also, I've posted a fiction about Tokyo Revengers, a Mikey x OC story. So if you are interested, go check it out. It's called "My Sanity". I've also posted a Sasusaku story named "Mirror". So for all the Naruto fans and fans of the Sasusaku ship, got check it out as well!

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