Part 17

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Hi Mum,

I had a chat with granny two weeks ago and I mentioned the nosebleeds and the headlice (can't get rid of them!!) I told her that nothing Nona bought over the counter worked for either of my problems. 

She said that this happened to her, and to you too when you were in primary school. For the headlice, she said I must do more of the over-counter treatments, but as prevention in between treatments, I should rub my scalp with lavender essential oil. She said it was okay for my hair to look a little oily because that was better than a squeaky-clean head with lice. 

For the nose bleeds, she said that one droplet of coconut oil in each of my nostrils every night should work a treat. It's something about the weather causing it, like my skin going very dry, including inside my nose. Anyway, I've been following her advice religiously since she gave it, and guess what? I haven't suffered from a nosebleed or felt an itch ever since. Not even during the last two weekends when it was too stuffy to play outside and all I did was read (I'm reading Nona's copy of Anne Frank's journal).

I pray that the headlice is gone now, forever, but I've learned something new over the last few days: to enjoy every minute without a problem like it's a little gift from heaven.


Zelia is choosing to take advice from the strong women in her life and the reward has been phenomenal. Please, share you anecdotes here, about the women who've positively influenced you. Don't hesitate to cast a vote if you're rooting for our hero! 

Photo by nappy from Pexels

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