Chapter 5: Aidan

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"Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck," I said again, quieter this time than when that smoothie or whatever the hell it was had hit me in the face, making me fall off my skateboard and onto my hands and knees to the pavement. This chick had taken an even harder fall than me after face planting into the parking meter. It was almost funny, but the brain freeze and road rash kept me from appreciating the humor. Still, this chick had passed out and I had no idea what to do now. I was starting to really freak out when I heard a tinny voice squawking somewhere nearby. I looked around and saw what had to be the girl's phone, screen cracked but glowing. I realized she must have been on the phone when she fell, and I was thankful someone was apparently still on the line.

"Hello?" I could hear the tinge of panic in my voice as I answered. "Who is this?"

"WHO is THIS?!" I held the phone away from my ear, cringing as the high-pitched screech came through my end.

"Uh... I'm Aidan?"

"Okay AIDAN, why do you have my sister's phone? What the hell just happened? Where is she?" She sounded really worried and peppered me with questions, not giving me enough time or breath to answer any of them.

"Lady!" I interrupted loudly. "If you'd give me a sec I could tell you what happened!" There was only a grumpy harrumph from the other end, so I continued. "Long story short, she twisted her ankle or whatever, hit her head on a meter, and is fucking passed out."

"WHAAA?!" I swear this lady was going to blow my eardrums out! "Call an ambulance! Take her to St. Mark's hospital, I'll be there in twenty!" The line went dead before I could say anything else. I sighed, but did what she asked. Thankfully the hospital she had named was close by, so we got there thirty minutes after I called them. I somehow ended up in the back of the ambulance with the mystery girl, and I looked her over as the medics checked her out and asked me questions about what happened and cleaned the scrapes on my hands.

Even though I couldn't tell much with everything happening around her, I could see that she was pretty. She had dark chestnut hair that I was guessing fell to her shoulders at least. With her dark hair, olive skin-tone, and a slightly larger but perfectly straight nose, I guessed she was Greek. I'd always been fascinated with mythology, and Grecian folklore was my favorite. Because of my fascination with their culture I'd traveled there a few times, so I recognized the features.

We arrived at the hospital and pulled around to the ER, and I pulled my gaze off her face to see a young girl, probably around twenty-three or so, wringing her hands fitfully. I assumed it was her sister- they had the same shade of hair and skin tone. That and I could hear her yelling at the paramedics about her sister. Damn, that girl had a serious set of lungs on her.

Fifteen minutes later, they'd hooked the girl up to some monitors and were doing more evaluations. In the ambulance they'd determined she had a concussion and they wanted to monitor her, at the very least until she woke up again. One of the guys from the ambulance turned and walked towards me where I was standing by the curtain when the nurses had everything under control. I felt awkward being there. I didn't actually know this girl, and her sister was here to watch over her so they didn't need me. But I felt an odd pull towards her so I didn't want to leave quite yet, either.

"Sir, I'm going to need to ask you to leave the room. If you could stay for a little bit longer in case we have any other questions about your girlfriend that would be great."

"Oh, I'm not... Well, alright." I started to correct him, but he was already heading back down the hallway and I didn't want to distract him from whatever he needed to do to help my 'girlfriend'. I turned to look at the loud sister who was giving me a narrow-eyed glare, and I assumed she'd heard the girlfriend comment. I shrugged at her and left the room, thinking I would explain to her later what happened and that no, she wasn't actually my girlfriend.

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