Chapter 25: Aidan

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"Looks like we've gotten a good head start here. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon to double check the delivery dates for the rest of the materials." I spoke to the foreman but I watched Callie. She had her hands clasped lightly behind her back while staring out at the ocean. There was a light breeze today and it blew her dark, loose hair behind her, tickling her arms. It reminded me of a similar view I'd had of her by a waterfall on one of our hikes yesterday and I almost missed the foreman's reply while replaying the memory.

"Yessir." He paused. "That's quite a view you've got there."

I turned towards him. I raised an eyebrow in warning to be careful of what he said next.

His lips twitched. "The ocean, I mean. You picked a great site." He kept a serious face but I could hear the humor in his voice.

"I'm sure that's what you meant." My eyes flickered over Callie's still form again before looking back to the foreman. "Either way, you're right." I let a small smile out and he shook his head, chuckling.

"You gonna get your girl and get outta here or what?"

I laughed, glad that we were comfortable around each other. I could tell he respected me and my relationship with Callie so I took no offense to his teasing, and I liked that he felt comfortable enough to say what he was thinking.

"Yeah yeah, we're leaving. Remember, call me if anything comes up!" He nodded at me before walking off. I made my way towards Callie and wrapped my arms around her, resting my head on top of hers. She sighed contentedly and leaned back into me. We stood there for some time peacefully. Out in the distance I saw something splash out of the water, followed quickly by another couple of splashes.

Callie gasped quietly and I loosened my hold on her so she could turn. "What's out there?"

"Most likely it's a group of sea lions. They like to come close to the shore every now and then. There's a bunch of rocks nearby that they like to sunbathe on. We can go check them out if you'd like."

Her eyes were sparkling in excitement. "Yes yes yes!!!" She was practically hopping and I grinned at her enthusiasm. I grabbed her hand and started towards the car. She kept pace with me, and I heard some of the guys on site laughing. I bet it looked like we were rushing to get out of there for some alone time, and I couldn't help but raise my arm and flip them off. The laughter got louder and I struggled to keep my own in when Callie glared at me.

"Don't encourage them Aidan! It looks like we're running off for an afternoon delight!"

I lost it at that. "I know," I said between laughs.

Callie glared at me still as I nearly tossed her into the car after opening her door. I winked, keeping eye contact as I made my way around the front of the car.

I could see her lips moving, grumbling to herself. I wanted to know what she was saying, whether she was cursing me out or trying to stop herself from laughing too. She fell silent as I opened my door and slid in beside her. Not even hesitating, I leaned all the way over to seal my mouth over hers. Her gasp of indignation set me on fire, and I groaned as she bit my lip hard. It hurt, but it was worth it when she softly ran her tongue over the bite to soothe the sting.

I pulled back and admired her flushed face and glowing purple eyes. We stared at each other for a second, and then Callie shook her head, looking out the window. She crossed her arms and I greedily took in the cleavage highlighted with that move.

"Boys..." she muttered under her breath when she finally noticed where I was looking. I let everything I was feeling infuse my eyes as I looked back up at her, raising my gaze slowly. I saw the pulse in her neck pounding and it was satisfying to know I wasn't the only one affected.

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