Chapter 17: Callie

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As Aidan pulled away from the hotel, our luggage stored in the back, I forced myself not to wring my hands nervously or throw the door open to let the breakfast I'd eaten come right back up.

When Aidan came back up to the hotel to see if I was ready to head out, I could tell he'd been surprised to find the rest of the food gone. I was just putting on my shoes when he opened the door, and he'd glanced down at the table to see all the empty dishes neatly stacked on the table for someone to pick up.

He'd raised an eyebrow, his surprise evident, and then looked back at me.

I shrugged, not self-conscious about eating everything. "I was hungry," I said nonchalantly.

"I see," he replied but said nothing else. We headed down to the lobby in silence, and Aidan told me to go ahead and get comfortable while he loaded our things. I sat quietly in the front seat, contemplating my confused emotions. I was still mad at Aidan for yesterday, but less so now that I'd had sleep, food, and an orgasm.

I blushed, thinking about that last item. I'd woken up in bed with nothing but Aidan's scent all over me. I'd been horrified to think that I'd clung to him in the night, something that I had a tendency to do. I got cold and if someone shared a bed with me I would inevitably seek their warmth at some point. I'd thought that him sleeping on the covers would've been enough to discourage that, but I wasn't sure the idea worked.

I had been panicking so much I didn't notice the shower running until I heard a soft groan through the wall separating me from the bathroom. I paused, heart thudding suddenly. I listened to see if I would hear anything else. Not more than a few seconds later, I heard another quiet noise. Images flashed into my mind of Aidan stroking himself in the shower.

No way, I'd thought to myself. But then I heard a loud smacking sound just above my head. My nipples stood to attention and arousal flooded my panties as I heard a louder moan vibrate through the wall. I slipped my left hand into my panties and started to rub my clit. Three circles in and all the desire from yesterday came back instantly. I heard a gasp from the bathroom, and I rubbed quicker, harder. My back arched as I felt tingles start from my toes to my hairline. When I heard Aidan say my name I let out my own sound and hit my climax. Stars burst behind my closed eyes as I throbbed with pleasure.

I lay there breathing a little harder as I came down and the shower turned off moments later. When I realized it might not take Aidan long to get dressed I jumped out of the bed, rushing around to pick up my loose items and grab what I needed to shower. When Aidan came out of the bathroom I was sure he'd figured everything out but he never said anything, then or later. Maybe I was safe.

My mind came back to the present when Aidan got into the car, shutting his door. We hadn't said much to each other since last night, and everything that we had said was all formal, polite. I felt weird, and maybe like I should say something to let him know I was over the whole thing. Then in the next second, annoyance flared and convinced me that he should be the one to bring it up, since it was mostly his fault. I agonized internally, switching back and forth from one point of view to another.

"Callie!" I jumped, turning to Aidan. "Are you just going to ignore me the whole two weeks?"

I flushed. "No, I'm sorry. I was lost in thought and didn't hear you."

"I said your name like three times. I was sure you decided to pretend you were on a solo vacation."

"No, not at all."

He was quiet. "What were you thinking about?"

"Oh. Uh..." I paused, realizing I had to make a decision right now about whether to bitch at him for yesterday or tell him I was letting it go. I opened my mouth but he responded faster than me.

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