Chapter 27: Callie

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I woke up in bed alone. It took me a minute to realize it, but when I stretched and only touched warm sheets I heard Aidan's shower going. My heart ached from waking up alone, but I took a little comfort that the sheets were still warm which had to mean I'd just missed him being there. I sat up and contemplated whether I should join him in the shower, or head off to my own. In the end, I decided that I needed a few moments alone to get ahold of myself.

I grabbed the clothes I'd haphazardly thrown around last night on my way back to my room. By the time I finished my long shower and wrapped myself in a towel, I still hadn't figured out what the hell I was going to do about Aidan and the feelings that were growing between us. I knew I could easily fall for him and was probably halfway there already. An unusual warmth radiated from my chest at that thought and a weird panic started to set in. I had no idea where this was all coming from and suddenly it became too much. I fell down in the middle of my room onto my hands and knees, head hanging down and breath sawing in and out of my mouth. I was trying to make myself breathe normally so I didn't pass out when I head Aidan knock on my door.

"Hey Callie, can I come in?"

I tried to respond, but the breath wouldn't come. I let out a strangled, gasping noise and Aidan must've heard because next thing I knew I felt his hands on my shoulders and saw his knees in front of my face. I heard him asking if I was okay but it sounded like it was coming from the end of a tunnel. The warmth in my chest grew stronger at his touch and although it wasn't painful, something about it made tears well in my eyes. I let out a hiccupping sob, and Aidan pulled me into his lap.

I cried into his t-shirt, gripping it with both hands and releasing everything inside. All the pressure building inside since the hospital was suddenly being released. I was so confused as to what was going on, in general and whatever was happening with Aidan and me, and it was incredibly frustrating that I couldn't remember things no matter how hard I tried. I let it all out with my tears, and Aidan held me through it, rubbing my back and talking quietly to me.

My tears dried, and Aidan stopped talking although he kept rubbing my back. The warmth from before had dissipated, and my head felt much clearer. I wiped my face on his shirt and then looked up at him. His face was worried, a crease in his brown and concern in his eyes. He brushed some hair out of my face and my lips trembled at his kindness.

"What happened?" His words were quiet and I had to look away from him.

"I d-don't know." I cleared my throat of the last of my crying. "I was just thinking about everything and I guess it overwhelmed me."

Aidan pulled me tighter in his arms and kissed the top of my head, making a small smile cross my face.

"I'm sorry. I know I pushed a lot of this on you too quickly." He started to loosen his arms to let me go but I burrowed deeper into his chest. He hesitated but then put his arms back around me.

"Don't apologize Aidan. If I thought I couldn't handle it I wouldn't have come on this trip. Plus, it can't be easy dating someone for two months and then having to start over." He shifted a little and I realized his legs were probably going numb so I began to get up off his lap.

"Where do you think you're going?" He pulled me back down this time, and I gladly went back into his embrace.

"Nowhere," I sighed happily. We sat there for a bit longer until the towel around me started to make me itch.

"Alright, I have to put some clothes on." I glanced at Aidan's shirt, wet with my tears and probably a little snot. "And you should probably change your shirt since I, uh..."

"Wiped your face all over it? Yeah, I wasn't gonna say anything." I giggled at his teasing, relieved that it wasn't super awkward after my mini breakdown.

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