Chapter 16: Aphrodite

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I snickered, watching Aidan stomp to a set of metal doors and listening to his inventive curses about me. Typically I would punish someone for saying the things he did, but I was in a good mood today. He was making progress whether he knew it or not. A few other gods and goddesses had a bet going on about how long it would take Callie to confess her love. I listened to them bickering behind me, placing their bets before the polls closed.

As the goddess of love and beauty, I knew that it wasn't an easy task to make someone fall in love with you in just two weeks. It seemed a little unfair, but the brand I'd inscribed onto Callie's sternum only lasted three weeks. I pushed Aidan for two, and that left the last week as a security measure. If he hasn't succeeded by the end of two weeks, then I'll tell him I'm generous enough to give him one more week, but that's his last chance. I smiled at my intelligence and planning.


I turned away from the vision cloud of Aidan and Callie to face my son, Eros. He had his daughter Hedone with him, and I smiled and opened my arms for her. She came and gave me a hug, squeezing me three times like she did was she was a child. It'd taken me some time to get used to her because of the history between her parents, my son and his wife Psyche, but she was such a bright happy child it was impossible to hate her.

"You realize this can't end well," Eros said quietly after Hedone went to talk to another younger immortal.

I sighed. "They're humans. Their feelings are easily manipulated. I'm not afraid of the outcome."

"You should be, you know what will happen if you don't succeed."

I shot him a glare. "Of course I know. I wouldn't have branded the girl if I wasn't sure I would succeed."

He studied me. "As long as you're sure."

Scoffing, I replied. "I am sure. Now be a dear and tell the others the polls are officially closed."

I could tell he wanted to say something else. After some hesitation, he did as I asked. I watched him walk away and talk to Hermes about closing the betting. I turned back to the vision cloud, watching as Aidan loaded their things into the car and drove away from the hotel. I had no doubt that all would go according to plan; after all, there was a reason Aidan had been there when Callie had her "accident". I was not the kind of goddess to leave these things to chance.

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