Chapter 29: Aidan

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Two. Fucking. Days. Callie and I had been stuck in this vortex of withdrawn civility since Friday night and I was ready to tear something apart. It was Sunday now, and I was on my way to pick up Lucy from the airport. Alone. I'd wanted Callie to come with to meet Lucy right away but she'd asked for some time to do work so she wouldn't have to worry about it the rest of the day.

I'd barely resisted pointing out that she'd been doing plenty of work the last couple days, and that she hadn't bothered with it at all when we first got here and started ripping each other's clothes off. I didn't want to push her any farther away though so I let it go. But I didn't have to like it.

I was in a terrible mood, and I didn't envy Lucy having to deal with my shit right now. I was mixed parts relieved for her to be here and terrified. I knew she was almost as stubborn as Callie, and when she noticed I was in a pissy mood she wasn't going to stop bugging me about why. I'd have to find a way to tell her why without telling her everything. She'd never believe that I was in this mess because of a bunch of mythological circumstances.

I snorted to myself, imaging the disbelief in her face if I told her the real story when I saw her waiting with a small suitcase, typing away on her phone. I pulled up in front of her and she looked up, smiling at me. She put her case in the back and then climbed in, giving me a quick hug.

I smiled despite being irritated as hell. She launched into questions about the project as I maneuvered us out of the airport lot and I happily answered them. I was hoping that we'd be able to talk about that the whole drive.

No such luck.

After a measly twenty minutes of work-related questions, she caught me off guard by suddenly switching topics.

"How're you and Callie?" I stiffened and didn't answer right away, and Lucy caught that. She sighed. "What'd you do?"

My jaw dropped and I looked over at her. "What makes you think it's my fault?!"

"Isn't it always the guy's fault?"

"What? How is that even-"

"Damn Aidan, calm your tits. I was teasing you." She looked at me, slightly bewildered at my overreaction. "But seriously, I can tell you're distracted and Callie's not with you so tell me what's going on."

I took a moment to gather my thoughts. I groaned and rubbed my jaw with a hand for long seconds. I decided to give her the bare minimum, and hopefully she wouldn't ask too many questions I couldn't answer right now. "I don't fucking know Lucy. We were all fine and dandy until Friday. I was out on the site and Callie wanted to do some work so she stayed in the main trailer. When I came back at our agreed time, she'd pulled away completely. She's extremely nice to me- too nice- but that's it. We've barely kissed the last two days when before that we couldn't keep our hands off each other."

"So, obviously, something happened while she was in the trailer. Unless she was being weird that morning too?"

"No! That's the thing that's driving me crazy! Everything was normal until I stepped into the trailer. And no matter how many times I ask her if everything is okay, or what's wrong, she gives me some flimsy excuse and I have to let it fly because I'm afraid she'll retreat even more."

Lucy stayed quiet. I knew she was going over all the information she had and processing it so I gave her some time. I drummed my fingers on the steering wheel, trying to be patient but needing some answers.

"Well, I don't know Callie so I can't tell you exactly why she'd do that. I'm sure she'll tell you what's wrong when she's ready. I'd suggest being patient, but persistent. Maybe if you make her snap by continuing to ask her about it then you'll get it out of her although that's not a tactic I'd suggest. I can tell you love her though."

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