Chapter 40: Callie

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"I'm sorry I had to leave before you woke up, but I've got a morning meeting at the center I can't miss. I'd love to see you later if you've got time. Text me. I love you, Aidan. P.S. here's a key to my place. I meant to give it to you last night but something distracted me ;)"

I read the note Aidan had left on my kitchen counter again, smiling happily at it. Not that I needed any more distractions at work, but this one was definitely my favorite at the moment. I'd thought about leaving it at home, but I hadn't been able to in the end. I'd taped it to the base of my computer in plain sight. I couldn't stop the smile crossing my face every time I read it.

Guilt seeped through me at not having told Aidan I loved him last night. Whatever had stopped me from saying the words before had hit me again right as I went to tell him, and I found myself saying something else. Aidan had tried to hide his reaction, but I could see in his eyes that he'd wanted me to say those three words, so simple and yet so difficult for me.

But after the way we made love last night, I was determined to tell him tonight, when I saw him. I'd texted him after reading the note, letting him know I was free and I'd love to see him. We had plans set to meet at his house around six, and he told me to go on in to his place if I got there first.

I was planning to surprise him with dinner, so I was leaving work early in order to go home and make it, get ready, and get everything set up before he got there. I yawned, glancing at the clock. Staying up late worrying about all of this, not to mention all the sex, had wiped me out. I'd stayed awake for several hours last night after Aidan had fallen asleep, berating myself for not being able to tell him.

Only two more hours, I told myself repeatedly. Get some shit done and then you're free to go. I cracked my neck and put all thoughts of Aidan out of my head until that hand on the clock hit 3 P.M.


I proudly looked at my dinner display on Aidan's dining room table. I checked my phone, seeing that it was already ten minutes past seven. He'd texted me around the same time I got home saying he needed to change the time to seven instead of six. I'd agreed readily, since I'd spent more time at the store than I'd planned on.

I was glad he wasn't here yet since I still had to change out of my dirty clothes, but I was also a little worried since I hadn't heard from him. I was running a last layer of mascara on when my phone started to ring. I hurried to answer it, seeing Aidan's name lit up on the display.

"Hey!" I chirped the word, leaning towards the mirror to continue my makeup with one hand. "You almost here?"

"Not quite. I'm so sorry Callie, but we had a small issue here at the center and I have to stay and clear some things before I can head home. I'm hoping it won't take too long, but it could be a couple hours."

I looked at myself in the mirror, a frown apparent on my face. "Are you alright? What happened?"

"I'll tell you about it when I come home, but I'm okay. Don't worry about me, I'll be there as fast as I can."

"Okay, I understand. Do what you have to."

"Thanks baby. Love you."

He hung up and I sighed into the empty room. Guess I better go put the food in the oven to keep it warm, I thought to myself. I was disappointed, sure, but I knew that whatever was keeping him from leaving had to be important. I carefully placed everything either in the fridge or oven and decided to take another look around while I waited.

I poured myself a drink and padded around his house, admiring how clean and neat everything was. I ended up in the basement, half-heartedly playing the pinball machine that I found. I eventually moved to the couch, flipping through channels. I landed on a re-run of Bones so I watched it, checking my phone periodically to see if I had somehow missed any updates from Aidan.

Two hours passed, and I found myself dozing off to the sound of a paper towel commercial, my lack of sleep catching up to me suddenly.

I woke up when I felt myself being lifted in the air by a warm, muscled body. I started to protest before Aidan hushed me with a soft kiss. I was still drowsy, so I drifted off slightly until Aidan placed me in his bed. I tried to sit up and talk, but Aidan's words stopped me.

"Shh, baby. I'm sorry it took me so long. The food smelled and looked incredible, and I'm sorry we didn't get to it tonight. I put it all away for us to eat tomorrow. Go back to sleep, we can talk later."

I think I nodded, but I was already falling back asleep so I couldn't be sure. I felt Aidan climb into bed behind me, feeling his bare chest against my back as he spooned me.

He must've helped me out of my clothes, I thought dreamilybefore passing out completely.

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