Chapter 53: Callie

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I was definitely tipsy, but that had nothing to do with how bad I wanted Aidan right now. I'd grilled Lucy at the restaurant we went to about what was going on with her and Calder, and the alcohol had loosened her up enough to tell me about him kissing her like a madman and all of the tension that had built between them from that moment until Aidan and I walked in while he'd had her pinned against her cabinet and saying dirty things to her. I totally understood where she was coming from because the object of her obsession was the twin brother to mine.

Lucy telling me about Calder only served to remind me of Aidan and everything we'd done, and by the time we'd made it back to their office I was more than ready for another round with Aidan. And judging by his reaction to my proposition, he had absolutely nothing against that.I busied myself with kissing and biting Aidan's neck while he took us to his office, making him quicken his steps and growl lightly underneath his breath. He strode through his doorway and shoved things on his desk to the side so he could place me on it. I giggled at his haste, but my laughter stopped when I met his eyes.

His blue eyes were dark and focused on me with a look so hot I thought my panties were going to spontaneously combust. I leaned back on my hands, thrusting my chest out towards him in offering. He groaned lowly, eyes raking down my body in appreciation. It didn't matter that I was still in my clothes from the flight here. I knew Aidan wanted me no matter what I was wearing.

Or not wearing, I thought to myself when Aidan reached for the hem of my t-shirt and pulled it over my head. He threw my shirt behind him and goosebumps popped up on my skin from the combination of cool air and sexual tension in the room.

"Stand up and take those pants off for me, baby." Aidan's raspyd voice broke the silence in the room and I slid off the desk to do what he told me to. The tone in his voice nearly had me panting in anticipation for what was going to come next.

I slid down the zipper slowly, heart beating hard in my chest as I slipped my thumbs inside the band and pulled them down so he could catch a glimpse of mint green panties. I paused to turn around so that he could watch me bend over while I pushed them down my legs. The sound he made at the sight made my belly clench and I felt him come up close behind me.

"How drunk are you Callie?" His voice was surprisingly soft, and I realized he was checking in to make sure that I was okay with what was about to go down.

"Only slightly tipsy. Most of the alcohol has worn off. Don't worry about me Aidan, I want this."

"I just don't want to hurt you."

I straightened up and turned to face him. I stood on my tiptoes and he bent down to let me place a soft kiss on his lips.

"I trust you." Those words seemed to be what he needed at that moment. A hungry smile lit his face and he stepped back into the dominant Aidan I loved.

"In that case," he murmured and flicked the clasp on the front of my bra open, my tits spilling out into his waiting hands, "I'm going to need you to turn back around so I can take another look at that perfect ass of yours."

He dropped his hands and I let out a sound of protest. He raised an eyebrow at me and twirled his finger, demanding I do what he wanted. I huffed out a breath but listened to him.

"Mmm, that's perfect baby." He took another step closer, placing his hands on my hips and pulling me back into him. I could feel how hard he was and a small moan escaped my lips when he thrust his hips forward into my ass. I couldn't stop my feet from moving farther apart, enticing him to explore my body. He moved his hands over my stomach and up to my chest, making me gasp when he captured my nipples between his fingers and squeezed.

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