Chapter 8

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I'm sorry this will be a filler up, because I don't want things to happen to quickly. And I apologize for any mistakes. Writing things on a phone isn't the best.

I woke up because The plane started shaking a lot. My eyes went wide open, searching for some confirmation that everything was alright. My eyes locked with Kyle's who was looking at me with a confused look.

"What's wrong Johnnie? We just landed and I think it woke you up. You're not scared of landing are you?" Kyle said with a little teas as he poked my side.

I let out a small girly scream, and I saw Kyle forming a little smile on his adorable face. "Don't laugh at me Kyle!" I said sarcastically mad back.

"Oh no I wouldn't dare laugh at you, oh no Johnnie don't hit me" Kyle said with the most sarcasm I have ever heard and he started laughing. I sighted and rolled my eyes.

As we finally arrived at the gate we all took out stuff with us and got of the plane. The first thing I heard was Bryan "I need to pee, all of you stop now! I need to pee. Johnnie take my stuff." I should have known that Bryan would need to go to the toilet as soon as we arrived.

Bryan just left and Damon already said "damn that guy takes his time." I think Damon was a little a lot tired.

"He just left man, chill" I said to Damon and Kyle started laughing.

"I'm sorry" Damon apologized "I think I haven't slept very well again."

"Don't worry about that Damon we all haven't slept very well, except for Johnnie, he was snoring so loud" Kyle said to Damon and they both started laughing.
Yeah right I thought as I kept silent waiting for Bryan to return.

As Bryan returned we al walked out of the airport on our way to search for a cab that can take us to our hotel. Because we were all to tired to walk, except me. I think Kyle was right, I slept pretty good during the flight. But hé if they are all going by cab, I'm not going to walk.

The three of us sat on a bench next to each other as Bryan was standing on the road side to stop a car. It took him nearly half an hour before he got a cab to stop!

Bryan yelled at us "hé guys come on, we don't have all day!" And we all got our lazy asses of the bench and started walking at snail speed to Bryan.

The cab driver loaded all our stuff in the back and we took a seat in the cab. Bryan in the front seat, me, Kyle and Damon in the back. Bryan gave the address to the driver, and we left the airport on our way to our Las Vegas hotel.
We got there within half an hour and checked in.

"Damon!" Bryan yelled. "We're going on a room together, that's my demand and you have no choice." He said in a parenting voice, but it kinda failed in my opinion. "Yeah sure Bryan" Damon reacted even though it didn't sound quit confident. He really needed some sleep.

"Damon go to bed, you're no fun today" I said to him. "Yeah yeah Johnnie I will, maybe tomorrow I will be more fun." and he headed off to his room with Bryan following him.

Me and Kyle also headed to our room, that we would be sharing for the next week.

"So....." I started "you excited for the week?" "Of course I am excited, a little scared because I'm here for the first time, but things will get better over time always." Kyle replied. To bad he didn't say 'I'm excited because I'm here with you' but I will deal with that later this trip. First I want some food.

"I'm going to get some food, you also want....?" Before I finished my sentence Kyle already came running towards me. "Foooood!!!" He screamed. "I have been hungry since we got on that plane. plane food isn't made for eating" I grinned a bit at his comment, because yeah he was right plane food isn't made for eating.

We first went to Bryan and Damon's room to see if they also wanted food, but neither of them opened. "Guess they're to busy fu.cking each other" Kyle joked. "shall we join them?" I joke back, but as soon as I said that Kyle's head turned bright red, and he tried to hide it but I already spotted it. Is that like a good sign or what?

"Awh Kyle don't be shy. Come on we will get some food." Kyle nodded and we headed downstairs to the dining room.

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