chapter 14

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"Kyle! Fuck wake up, we're running late" I whispered violently, while shaking him. We totally forget to pack our bags last night, and we need to leave any moment.

"ugh" Kyle groaned before turning around, and covering himself with the blankets again. I know I'm normally the lazy person, and I probably act the same way, but we really need to hurry this time.

"Kyle, we need to hurry, we're supposed to move hotels today, and we haven't even started packing yet" I sighed before pulling the blankets totally off the bed. Which made Kyle groan even more.

"get your lazy ass off the bed now! Take a shower, pack your bags, we need to go" I said this time more demanding. I turned around to start gathering my own stuff, in the hope Kyle would take the example and do the same thing.

Well he better is, because otherwise we probably have to leave him here, and I need my Kylie.

I quickly got my stuff packed together in a suitcase, probably because I didn't randomly spread them across the room this time. Except for my shoes, which are again unfindable, like always. I need to glue them onto my feet next them. Then I might not lose them.

"omgush Kyle, are you still not ready" I said with a sighed towards Kyle, who was slowly walking with his clothes in his hands towards the bathroom. His stuff was still everywhere over the hotel room ground.

"okay I'll give you some time alone. I'm going to the other room, just to spend my remaining time there. You hurry up a bit, I don't want to leave you behind here, I need you. You became to mean so much in just these two days, and I don't want to be stuck alone with Bryan and Damon, so hurry up a bit pleas." I ask Kyle in a soft sweet but still demanding voice, in the hope he will understand that we are in a bit of a hurry.

I grabbed my bag and I walk out towards the other guys room. I knocked on the door but got no reply, maybe they already went downstairs to the lobby. I decided to knock once more before also heading towards the lobby, this time I knocked a little harder.

This time I heard somebody slowly scuffing towards the door. That cant be Bryan, nor Damon, they never shuffle over the ground like that, or do they? Probably room service or something.

I almost wanted to turn around and head for the lobby when the door was slowly opened. Inside stood a broken looking Damon. And that's when I remember, I totally forget to ask him what happened the first day we got here. He seemed totally out of place and I forget to ask him if everything was alright, and what happened. I could almost slam my head into a brick wall for that stupid mistake I made.

"Damon what happened?" I ask anxiously, almost running towards him to wrap my arms around him. But I don't know yet what sort off happened so that might not be a good idea really.

"the voices" he answered me weakly, before turning around and walking back in the room. He left the door open so I took that as a sign to come in and follow him.

He was just laying down on his bed staring towards the ceiling. I took a closer look at him. He looked emotionless. I have read about this before, people hearing voices inside their head, and becoming out of touch with the world. But Damon always looked so happy when he is around us.

"Damon what happened. Pleas try and talk to me, I'm worried about you. This same thing happened two days ago when you saw Kyle and me in the lobby, you said you were heading for some dinner. I know it wasn't true. I wanted to ask you about what happened earlier but it totally forget about it, I'm sorry Damon. Pleas tell me what happened so I can help you" I told him as reassuring as possible, even though I felt myself slightly panicking.

I saw Damon starting to relax slowly. He was trying to control his breathing, slowly in and slowly out. It felt as if he was getting back to reality.

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