Chapter 20 (final part 2)

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~Kyle pov~

"Oh Kyle you're okay. I have been worried sick about you." I heard my mom as she embraced me.

Because of her entering the hospital I had to cut my conversation with Johnnie over the phone short. I don't want my mom to know about, us, just yet. I know she wouldn't really approve it. Not because I'm gay, but because of school. She thinks I need to finish high school first before I can start a relationship.

"Yeah, hey mom, I can't breathe." I said and she let go of me.

"Everything alright with you my dear?" She sounded so concerned.

"Yes mom I'm fine, can we go home now, it's a long way." I just wanted to leave this place. I wanted to go home, and talk to Johnnie again.

"Sure dear, I'll just say thank you to the doctors here. You can already sit in the car if you want to." She said as she handed me the car keys. I thought about just driving away with the car, to Johnnie. I don't want to go home. At home I have nobody. Here I have people who care about me.

I just waited in the car for my mom to return. Knowing her it can take a while, but she can also come back in a minute. 

Luckily it didn't take long for her to return to the car, and soon enough we were on our way home.

"So dear, had a nice trip?" My mom broke the silence after some time.

"Yeah, it was alright." I tried to sound more happy about it, but I couldn't. I kept thinking about how I'm going to tell her about Johnnie and me. I know she wouldn't allow me to have a 'relationship' during high school.

"How are things going with Bryan and Johnnie? Long time since I have heard you say something about them." She said while taking her eyes of the road to look at me. Could she please just look at the road instead of me? I was planning on surviving this trip.

"They are doing fine mom, don't worry about them." I rolled my eyes at her. I know she just pretends to care about them. She would prefer me having friends in our hometown instead of online friends. But to be honest, online friends are way better and nicer.

"Good." She said as she looked back at the road again.

Most of the trip we spend in silence. Making a stop at gas stations every now and then.

My phones kept going off, and bleeping. I know it was Johnnie. I said I missed him, and I wanted to see him again as soon as possible. Calling is the one thing that really connects us right now, and I don't even pick up the phone, scared my mom will ask questions about it. I also didn't read his text messages, or my twitter notifications. I was just scared.

Finally day one of driving back home came to an end and my phone was still ringing.

"Who keeps stalking you like that? Or are you just purposely ignoring?" My mom finally said when she parked the car somewhere in the middle of nowhere. If she just knew how close she was with that purposely ignoring. I'm sorry Johnnie.

I just kept silent at her question.

"Kyle tell me what's going on? Did something happen during this trip?" My mom shifted in her seat so she could look at me better. I turned away from her gaze. I just wanted to tell her everything that happened between Johnnie and me. Well not everything. You know what I mean.

"Kyle, you know I'll always try my best to help you." She sounded concerned now. It kind of caught me in surprise, she never talks in such a way. I almost blurted it out, but I kept myself and spoke just a little sentence in stead.

"You won't approve on it."

She looked at me with these big shocked eyes, as if she already knew what happened. But I know she didn't even knew half of it.

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