Chapter 9

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Dinner went by both slowly and quick. Slowly because we didn't talk that much, I think he is still overthinking about that joke I just made, even though it was not really a joke for me. But is also went to quick, Kyle looks so cute while eating what ever thing he ordered. It looked yellowish and actually pretty disgusting, but I still had the best view ever. Because I was looking at Kyle almost all diner I barely ate myself. I guess this will turn out into some midnight snacks, I let out a small giggle at that thought.

"something wrong Johnnie? Kyle asked "why are you giggling like a girl" Kyle almost started giggling himself.

"nothing" I simply said, but I felt my lips forming into a smile. "just a random thought. And I don't giggle girly, you do!" I tried to say both mad but also funny. But I know I have never been good at that thing people call 'sarcasm'. Maybe one day.

"you finally done eating?" I ask. Kyle simply nodded "I do need to pee though" he quickly added. "you can wait till we get back in our room" I answered his not really question.

We left the dinning room and were heading for the elevator, when we came across Damon. "Damon!" me and Kyle yelled almost at the exact same time. Damon turned his head towards us, he didn't seem like the happy person he always is. I made a note to myself 'ask Damon later about it'. "Hey guys, sorry not really in the mood for a talk. I'm going to get some food and head back to my room." and with that said he walked away. This is so not Damon, I really have to ask him about it later. But first lets sort some things out with Kyle, and I might have a plan.

During the time we were in the elevator I saw Kyle relax bit by bit, but I couldn't. I couldn't stop thinking about how bad I want to reach out to him and kiss him, I don't care we're in an elevator, I just want to kiss him so badly. I felt my feet walking inches by inches towards Kyle. I started gaining more confidence. I could do it just now. Just push him against the elevator wall and kiss him, I repeated through my head. I was slowly getting close to Kyle and I was about to reach my arms out to pin him to the wall, when the elevator suddenly stopped and made that annoying ding sound. 'fuck' I mumbled to myself I was to late.

- Kyle's POV-

Dinner was absolutely horror, due to that comment Johnnie made just before. 'shall we join them' I know he said it just to mess with me, but I don't know. I questioned myself through out the whole dinner. Did he mean it? Do I want to do that? Do I like him? Especially that last question kept coming back. Did I freak out about what Johnnie said, because I like him.

Throughout dinner I caught Johnnie staring a few times at me. He had also barely touched his dinner, I thought he was the one that wanted to get dinner? But I didn't pay much attention to him, I was still confused about what happened a little bit earlier.

As I finished my Mac & Cheese, Johnnie got up and asked me if I was ready to leave. I simply nodded and added "I do need to pee though." "you can wait till we get back in our room" he said, it sounded more as a demand so I just followed him to the elevators.

On our way there we came across Damon, it looked like he was about to cry. I wanted to ask him what's wrong, but I need to go to the toilet. 'damn you Johnnie' I mumbled so Johnnie did not hear me.

"Hey guys, sorry not really in the mood for a talk. I'm going to get some food and head back to my room." Damon said quickly and walked off. This is so not Damon, I'm actually getting a bit worried now. I wanted to follow him but at that moment the elevator doors opened and we got in.

The elevator ride normally didn't take this long to get to the 12th floor, but maybe time went more slow when I'm around Johnnie.

Why do I keep thinking about him?! I almost said it out loud, but thankfully I didn't that would have been embarrassing considering he is standing right next me.

Wait next to me?! I almost snapped again. When we got in we were both standing at least 3 to 4 feet away from each other, and now he is standing next to me? What happened? What is he trying?

I had not long to think about these questions because the elevator stopped and the doors opened. I got out as quickly as possible and headed towards our room. And with the though that this could possible be a long night I stepped in and headed to the bathroom.

-Johnnie POV-

What did I do wrong? I questioned myself. Why did Kyle walk off so quickly? yeah I know he needed to go pee but still. Does he know what I just tried to do? I hope not so, I don't want the friendship we have now get ruined because I made a stupid mistake. I know I still want him, but I also don't want to lose him. This is harder then I though.

I opened the door into our hotel room and saw no Kyle. I sighted in relief, I needed some time alone. Even though that probably wont last long.

And I was right after 3 or 4 minutes Kyle came out of the bathroom, "I think I'm going to sleep. I'm really tired after today." he said to me. I tried to hide me smile, because he looked really cute so half sleepy. I simply nodded and he went off to bed. Lucky me there is only one bed, it might be a queen size bed I'm still going to try and snug up to him when he is asleep. But first I need a shower.

As the warm water collided with my bare skin, I finally started to relax a bit. Today had been kind off stressful. I wanted Kyle to be mine but I don't want to ruin anything nor make it suspicious that I really like him.

I stayed in the shower for a long time washing all these thoughts of me. But I had to get out, I felt myself also getting tired and I don't want to crash down here under the shower.

I quickly changed into some comfy clothes and walked towards the bed. checking first if Kyle was still awake. He was laying there very still with closed eyes so I guess he is asleep. I crawled next to him in bed covering myself with some sheets and turning to lights of. And eventually finding myself with one arm around Kyle.

This felt truly amazing. And I drifted of to sleep holding Kyle as closely as possible to me as I could.

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