Chapter 16

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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I'm so slow xD I'm sorry

And this chapter is hella weird, don't you dare report me or stuff xD I'm a nice person with too much fantasy some time. I blame thatawkwardbandfreak for that :D

Also my apologies for any possible mistakes. I didn't read this over. Miss Mila wanted me to update. so if you see a mistake feel free to tell me so I can edit it

Enjoy :D


I woke up because of a weird, soft, yet unfamiliar sound being played off next to me.

I tried to open my eyes to see where this sound came from. But I was almost immediately blinded by a bright light next to me. What? Are there aliens or something in our room? But that thought was quickly pushed away as I heard a soft, but slightly familiar sound.

"Kyle?" I asked softly because I just woke up, and I hoped that the light came from Kyle. "What are you doing?" As soon as I asked that question the light was turned off.

"Kyle? I know you're awake" I said, this time while sitting straight up in bed. "What were you doing?" I added before slipping my legs out off my bed and sitting on the edge of my bed, facing the bed of Kyle.

I slipped out of my bed and walked over towards his. "My little Kyle" I said with my most childish voice. "tell me what you were watching, or I will start a tickle war" I added before placing my hands on his stomach. I didn't get a reply so I slowly started tickling his sides.

A small girly laugh escaped his mouth, as I tickled him more and more. "tell me my little Kyle"

"Okay, okay" He finally said out of breath. "But first stop tickling me." I stopped tickling him and waited for him to go on.

"Just some curiosity about the thing we talked about yesterday." He said while trying to hide the sudden blush on his cheeks.

"So you know everything about it now?" I asked him teasingly, even though I felt kind off scared, what if he actually wants to do this already? I can't just leave him hanging right? And maybe I also want it?

He just shrugged. "But I want to talk to you about something important first, it suddenly came to mind yesterday while you were asleep..." I cut him off by pressing my lips on his.

"That can wait." I whispers against his lips, before kissing him again.

"Teach me everything you just learned" I whispered seductively in his ear, and started to kiss his neck.

"I need some stuff though" He said before letting out a soft moan. I know there is no going back if I give in now, but if he wants it I might want it as well, right?

"I got you covered, my mom quickly threw it in my bag before we left, I think she expected this" I said with a smirk, before getting off the bed and opening my bag, in search for the stuff. It didn't take long to find the things I was looking for, and headed back towards Kyle, and placing them next to him.

He cupped my head in his hands before kissing me again, and flipping me over. I was laying underneath him, but I wasn't bothered by it. I actually really wanted to do this, I was pretty turned on right now. I think he must have know that because I felt one of his hands slowly trace down my side to my slowly growing bulge.

"You ready for this?" He whispered to me.

"Yes, show me what you just learned" I answers him, before I felt my shirt being lifted up.

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