Chapter 2 - Foreshadowing

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"Amber!" Her mother yells for her name downstairs. "Coming!" She shouts in reply as she puts in her last earrings on and quickly dashes her way down those familiar stairs. "Yes mother?" Amber looks at her mother, confusion in her tone as she doesn't know what was happening. "Have you seen my necklace? I swore I put them somewhere around the living room table." She asks as her eyes were busy darting around the living room looking for her missing necklace. "No... I haven't. What did it look like again?" Amber before shakes her head then asked her mother what her precious item looked like. "Do you remember the little dangling pearl necklace your dad gave on the 9th anniversary that I showed you before?" She asked her daughter in which the latter nodded eagerly. "That's the necklace I wanted to use." Amber hums, thinking about it. "Maybe I guess you must've misplaced them mom."

"I don't know darling. I'll try to go again back in my room to find them. And stay safe later yeah?" She claims, giving her daughter a small caring words to her before leaving the living room. "Alright." She smiles and watches her mother walk away before frowning in confusion. Shrugging, she goes to the kitchen fridge to grab an apple and heads her way back in the room. As she comes back into her room, she dives head first to her bed and started scrolling around her phone, boredom sinking in as she munches her way into finishing the apple. Once the girl finishes her piece of apple, she heads her way down and meets back with her mom fixing in her pearl necklace around her neck, the item she was talking about minutes ago missing is now on her. "Oh you found them mom!" She exclaims. "Oh yeah, of course! I found them in the bathroom." She chuckles.

"That's a relief." "It is indeed." Amber smiles and goes to the kitchen sink, throwing away the remains of the apple and washing her hands and going up the stairs again. "Did I clean my bathroom?" She asks herself and checks on the bathroom. The floor was littered with used clothes and cleansing balms. She lets out a huge sigh and got started in cleaning. As she puts away her clothes into the hamper and collected the cleansing balms, she stood up and was going to open her cabinet mirror when she see's a sentence lettered on her mirror. "Sentinel Services is lying to you." She frowns in confusion but puts the cleansing balms away. The sentence still there and upon closer inspection, it was written using a lipstick. She looks down on her sink but see's nothing out of place. "Huh..... Weird..... Did I watch horror movies last night?" She freaks out to herself, more confusion and worries swarm her head completely. 

Out of worry, she leaves her bathroom and finds her phone on her desk. She types out something quickly and her screen was loading to the Sentinel Services website. Somehow the load on her screen was extremely laggy and as she was tapping her foot away out of worry, her phone glitched to a black screen with tech like font. "Survive." was written perfectly on her screen before it glitched her phone completely. She tries to tap her phone, trying to see if it was working but the freezing screen, save for the fact the words survive were still available to see was plastered on her screens. She placed her phone on her desk, her mind swirling into millions of darting questions and panic. "Did I do something wrong? What have I done besides training my whole life?" She speaks to herself, unable to pinpoint the exact cause she had to even end up where she is right now.

Her mind racks up a decision and choices she's trying to weigh in before picking out her best answers which is to keep this incident to herself, keeping herself wary of anything that is out of the ordinary. "Amber!" Her father calls for her this time downstairs, the door only muffling out a bit of his voice. "Coming!" She yells in return, while it sounded like she was fine, she was freaking out from these little freak like events she's facing today. To get her mind off, she leaves downstairs and has a talk with her father, unaware of what was going to happen upstairs and her own future.

Right as when Amber left her bedroom, a dust swirl from the ground up, turning up to be a guy. He looked like he was in a rush, his eyes darting around the room looking for something and once he sees Amber's phone, he picks it up and takes our a very mysterious item that seemed to perfectly fit into Amber's phone charger. It looked microscopic but if handled with care, it looks like a typical SD card but a tinier version. Just as he takes it, he places it back gently as if her phone wasn't picked up and escaped among the dust.


"Amber! Your friends are here." Her mother calls for her daughter, save that she was in her room. "Coming!" She dashes down the stairs, quite the record, she notes. Amber opens the door and the familiar red car that sat on the pavement for her father's car was there. "Ams! Let's go!" Alexis yells, her left arm waving a little. She nods before going back inside to grab her bags and her sports shoes. "Have fun!" Her mother greets and Amber who already left the house had heard her mother's words in which she smiled gratefully.

As she finally gets in the car and settles herself best, Alexis drives out of the pavement and to the road to get to Belleview High. "Hey, what's with the bags here?" Nancy pointed out as she looked at Amber and the bag curiously. "Training. I'm supposed to be there around 10:30 sharp." Amber says quickly. "You have training at this time or is there a mutie torturing demonstration?" Alexis asked but yet her tone was not really concerned at all for the latter part of the question. "Hey! Mutie's a racist term. Tone it down will you?" Nancy says, a bit offended by what she heard. "What are you so offended about?" Alexis sneers at Nancy unprovoked. "Hey! Would you chill will you? Nancy found out her relatives is a mutant. It's not like Nancy's somehow gonna end up being a mutant." The irony of her comment only made Alexis look at her with disinterest.

"Still, their muties. They should just..... not exist." The 'duh' tone was spread through, which made Nancy and Amber sigh. "It's surprising your mother's side had to be mutants." Amber says, she seems to have some mixed emotions in her, somewhat hating them but feels bad for Nancy as she had been so extremely close to them. "Hmm. It's my first time hearing about it too." Nancy says, her tone quite in shock but sad in the same moment. "How does the x gene manifest?" She turns to look at Amber, who seems to know a lot more of the mutants and studies them too. "Well... from what I studied, there are tons of ways a mutant powers can manifest. It depends on their surroundings and what situation they ended up being in. The most I've learnt is that anyone with the x gene develops them either in the womb or by the age of 10. Those are some common factors." She explains thoroughly.

"Can we change the topic or something? Mutants are just a bunch of freaks." Disdain was in Alexis' voice, she seemed creeped out at the idea of mutants. "You can't just ignore those people forever Alex. They are humans just like us." Nancy retorts back, her voice raised slightly. The tension in the car was at an all time high, especially with mutants being the topic and Amber's line of work too. 

The girl who sat at the back sighs, regretting ever answering Nancy but it is what it is and sometimes, it happens. She hates when things do escalate but the mutant topic is something that she always steers clear about and rarely ever talk of. It's times like this is when everyone is clashing and she hates to bring them onto it.

"Let's not talk about mutants at all shall we?"



I am back with a new chapter and yes, it seems to feel like its been a week i've last updated it because it has 😭

Aaaaaa life gets in the way sometimes but I do hope to get some chapters out soon so I hope everyone still has patience even when it taks really long to update

I'll see you in the next one so do vote, share and comment what you love on this chapter <33

bye <33

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