Chapter 11 - Invisible Force

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The interrogation room opens its door that reveals Amber Turner, in her full professional suit and file cases for the subject in the room. The security guard that was walking behind her had stayed near the door as she walked further into the room where the table and chairs were placed neatly in the middle of the room. She pulled out the chair and sat down while watching the man in front of her before gently placing the files, standing up and going over to his seat. The man was still rendered unconscious and her impatience and determination for answers only made her take the impulsive decision to punch him awake which worked.

He gasped, jolting forward in his seat but he didn't get far as the restraints in his hands stopped him halfway. His wild eyes tried to adjust and scan the room to see if he was in a familiar place but he sadly was not. "Welcome back to Earth, mutie." Hatred was laced in her voice as his head turned to the side to see the same small girl he met before he slipped into unconsciousness. "You." He breathlessly says, no words come to mind except he was surprised she captured him.

"Yes, the girl who captured you. Let's skip introductions and get straight to the point." Before the man could register anything, he was slapped mercilessly by her. "That'll wake your mutant ass up." She fixes her blazer lightly before walking back to the opposite side of her seat to sit down and start talking. "Wyatt Michael Hugh, 22, mutant on the run and last known location was New Mexico." She looks at him wondering if he would say something after listing off some of the things in his files. He turns to face her after a while and looks at her dead in the eye to say, "No hablo ingles niña"

Amber scoffs, seeing through his tactics, knowing well enough from his files that he would try this on her. She gets up from her seat to get closer to his face to say, "No me tomes por un tonto mutante, tal vez sea un niño pero no soy un tonto" The frown on his face tells her everything she needed to know, he was busted and caught trying to get away with not talking. "Now, before we resort to drastic measures, I'm gonna ask nicely. Are you in cooperation with the underground mutants?" She asked him as she slowly sat back down. There was silence to her question, she sighs and pressures again. "Are you associated with the mutant underground, Wyatt? You should know better than to lie to me."

He tilts his head to the side and stays completely silent, not willing to give information out to the girl. Her patience wears thin and she grinds her teeth from aggravation. "Give him the collar. Make sure he doesn't do anything while I'm gone." She says to the security guard, slowly getting out of her seat and picking up her files. The buzzer from the door sounds and the door opens, granting her access to leave the room. As the door goes to close, Wyatt can see her retreating figure as the security guard roughly does his collar.


"There has to be something we're missing." Amber spoke up in the room that was crowded with several staff and people who were on the investigation for the case. "So far from what we've gathered, they've always been in hiding for a while. The mutant underground has been network wide for some time ranging from here in America to Canada. South America has been flooded with mutants too as the mutant laws don't exist mostly." One of the staff spoke up while keeping their head focused on their laptop.

"Great, we can work with that. Anything else?" As more of them started to bring up points to their search, Amber took note of every one of them, asking for copies, receipts, resumes and more as she gathered more information from the team that was set up for her. The progress for the case was getting better but it also totally didn't make sense why such a big group was taking in teenagers who destroyed their only place of gaining education.

It didn't matter to her as much because by the end of it all, she wanted to make sure she would be promoted and be seen by her father for the efforts she was making to get the mutants captured in whatever means necessary for the organization. As the day was getting late, so were the staff that slowly dissipated from the office one by one, finally the last one of the staff left which was now occupied by Amber in the office, her once neat and professional look abandoned and disheveled. Her belt buckle was no longer in place, her light blue button down shirt untucked, her black vest draped on the office chair she occupied and now the paperwork she kept neatly was messy and in total disorder as she continued her research in whatever she could for the case.

"What am I missing..." She mutters lightly to herself, wondering what and why things that happened kept giving dead ends. The more she stresses on the case, the sleepier she becomes. Unknowingly, she slept soundly on her desk, eyes closed with a peaceful yet frowning look on her face. The quiet office was then heard with a few ruffling here and there, a table that was filled with papers kept being moved around as if an invisible force had been frantically searching for something. The noises were only cut short when a security guard walked into the office doing his usual rounds when he saw Amber sleeping on the desk. He quickly left her alone and so did whatever that was occupying the room before.


God damn, finally an update for yalls worth! I feel apologetic abandoning time after time again but I promise, so much is in the works.

Life has been pretty busy and kicking my ass for sure but of course, I will get this book completed one day for sure. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this short chapter nonetheless.


No hablo ingles niña - I don't know English, kid

No me tomes por un tonto mutante, tal vez sea un niño pero no soy un tonto - Don't play me for a fool mutant, I maybe a kid but I am not a fool

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