Chapter 4 - Caged

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"Amber!" A familiar voice that screamed from her name in the crowd and a few questioning yet curious stares from the students alongside the crushing back hug made Amber come back from reality after she spaced out quite longer than she should've, her eyes were seeing stars after looking at the fire for far too long.

A small yelp and a let out 'oof' from the girl by the familiar friends impact on the sudden crushing hug she gave made Amber stumble lightly. Alexis, giving the poor girl her hug, much without warning, had made Amber smack a bit lightly on her back, patting as if she was giving up. Alexis only tightened the hug and Nancy who came alongside the girl, was happy and worried for what Alexis was doing. "Give the poor girl some air will you?" She says as she slowly helps to unlatch Alexis from Amber. "Thanks Nan, and oh my god! You guys are okay." Her voice was filled with relief and gratefulness that washed away the worrisome thoughts that clouded in her head minutes ago. Her eyes twinkled, the strong girl had a glassy look in her eyes and the welling tears from the bottom of her eyes wasn't helping enough, if one knew her, she was about to burst into tears.

"We're okay Ams! We're okay." Nancy reassures, her voice ever so gentle and loving to the girl who was already on the verge of tears. "I was so scared and worried!" She exasperated, the little pout on her lips when speaking naturally came to her while talking. "It's okay! At least we are safe for the meanwhile." Alexis coos, going straight in for a hug and putting the girls head on her shoulders, stroking her hair gently and shushing her, the brown haired girl who was wrapped in a hug, could only let her eyes pool out tears she held in.

"Now that we are safe, what's next for all of us is the real question? We really don't have our school anymore." Nancy speaks, bluntly putting out what was clouding Amber's mind since the events. Amber nods, the worry she has now slowly fades a little and she can take it easy now. The question Nancy speaks of only had her furrow her brows a lot more, worried things won't be getting better from her, that is what her gut was truly telling her of. "Amber Turner." The gruff voice broke the comforting silence they all shared, yet it felt as if they didn't have enough time with one another.

"Izzy?" She croaks, sniffling lightly and wiping away the tears in her eyes. The softness in her tone only indicated she was familiar with them. "Hey buddy. Your dad told me to pick you up." The Australian 5ft male looked at her, though he looked stern, his eyes were enough to tell he was soft for this girl. "Hmm... Do I really need to go?" She asked, not sure if she really wanted to leave just yet. "Yeah, there's a change of schedule since tonight's event so it's best we get going soon." 

Hearing that from her friend, she looks to Alexis. "Alexis, my bags are in your car right?" Alexis nods. "Don't worry, I'll unlock the door for you. Stay safe okay?" She gently says, giving her last hug to her friend, same for Nancy before she heads off to Alexis' car with Izzy. Once arriving to her car and getting everything she needed, she signaled the man to then go ahead to lead her to his car.


"Amber, are you okay?" Izzy asked, the silent tension was building in the car, not that it was anything but it was something unexplained. "Yeah, I'm okay. Did something happened tonight that had a change in schedule?" She replies, too wondering what happened. "Like I said, the events tonight got a change of schedule. You'll be joining the meeting tonight, but I think there's just something going on which isn't my place to say." He answers her honestly, though he felt a little uncomfortable in wanting to speak something which won't come out of him. Amber looks a bit clueless which he seems thankful for.

She melts into Izzy's car passenger seat, letting the world pass her by as she slept soundly all the way to the base of where her father is located.


"Miss Turner, how are you feeling today?" Agent Daniel asked, he was waiting by the front door, smiling and greeting the teen. "I'm good. Just traumatized." She nonchalantly says, her steps were quick and powerful. "So I've heard." He shortly replies and he follows alongside her while Izzy was at her left, they all were talking with one another and walking quickly to get to the meeting room together. Getting through security and body scanning moments later, the doors opened to at least 7 members seated and one powerful person who sat in the middle, her father, Jace Turner.

All heads turned to the incoming member of the meeting and nodded their heads out of respect. "We'll leave you alone now. Take care." Daniel says and Izzy leaves little pats on her back before they both walk out of the meeting and close the doors. Amber scanned for her seat and noticed the familiar place she was supposed to be seated in, which is one seat next to her father by his left and the seat that occupied it was none other than head of mutant weaponry logistics, Genevive Wright.

She walked to her seat and sat down, giving her small greetings to them before looking at her father and signaling him to start the meeting. She takes out her books and pen, writing down whatever her father droned on and on about, taking notes of others as well in the meeting who made some points clear, choosing and picking out where to put them in her book. The pages were filled with writings of plans, paperworks, deployment of police and soldiers under Sentinel Services names, captured mutants of a runaway take in and more to list out.

She takes in the information slowly, looking and connecting the dots, finding and working out alongside them, finding a suitable way they can plan a possible way to capture mutants. The meeting continued on for a solid 2 and half hours. Once the meeting was done, everyone walked out of the meeting room and the place was now occupied by Amber and Jace.

"Dad, Izzy told me there's something going on tonight and I'd rather know now." Amber says, cutting through the silence of the room with her blunt words. Jace sighs, unsure of where to start but if there is anything he loves of his daughter, it's definitely picking up things and remembering people's words whether or not she makes it obvious to people. "As of tonight, you are put in lockdown. It's an order." He says, though his mind and heart knew where this was going, he just needed it to be said and done.

"Why would you put me on lockdown?" She screeches. "It's for your own good. Tomorrow, you're going to need to practise." He answers sharply, not wanting to explain further of his reasoning. "So you're just gonna abandon me here?" She looks at her father, disbelief was written on her face. "Of course not! It's just for one night." Jace then looks at his daughter, his expression softens. "It's not long, okay? You'll be fine. Tomorrow I'll bring you back home." He slowly convinces his daughter, ensuring her trust.

"Fine. Just don't do this again okay? I don't like doing it." She gives in. "I promise I won't. It's not gonna be a regular thing." Her father replies, nodding his head and promising as well. She takes in a sharp breath before letting it all out, packing away her stuff and leaving the room, only her father remains. He watches the door his daughter used to leave the room and lets out a small sigh, in his heart, he knew it wasn't a lie but it also wasn't the full truth to it.



It has been quite a while since I've came out with an update, and it's a pretty slow one at that too ><

As of lately, I have been exhausted from internship commitments and it's been kicking my ass more than it should.

I do think this book will be in it's very slow and snail like updates but I assure, I'll give out my best quality for these books when I do come out with new chapters.

Until then, if you'd like to reread and give comments on where I lack, what part of the chapters you like, share some thoughts on the chapters whether thru comments or pms, every feedbacks will be read I assure.

Until then too, happy reading and enjoy the weekends darling!

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