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"Hey, I brought a couple of bottles of wine cause we always end up here, drinking all yours," Ashton announced as he entered through the unlocked front door.

Luke jumped slightly at the noise, "Oh, hey, thanks; what'd you bring?"

"A sauv and a cabernet, I think I got the cabernet you normally drink, but the sauv was a total guess; it had the nicest label," He held the bottles up as Luke looked over in a 'see' gesture.

"Oh, cool doesn't really bother me; it's all alcohol. Can you open the red? I'm just finishing up dinner,"

Ashton hummed, and Luke returned to his cooking, hearing the other man open the cupboard behind him. He plated up two servings of mushroom gnocchi, generously sprinkling them with parmesan before making a show of kissing his fingers like a stereotypical chef. He grinned, turning to look at Ashton, who just rolled his eyes fondly.

"Dinner is ready, and I'm freakin' keen to eat; I'm starving,"

"Haven't you eaten today?" Ashton asked a certain level of concern and judgment in his voice.

"I didn't have anything when Calum and I caught up this afternoon cause I didn't want to ruin my appetite for this,"

"It does look and smell amazing, so that's understandable, come on, let's eat it before you waste away," he tilted his head toward the lounge room directing Luke, before taking his place (yes, he had a place) on the left-hand side of the couch.

They sat themselves up with their plates and glasses on the coffee table, their arses firmly on the couch and cruel intentions playing on the tv. They chatted through the movie, mostly comments about Sarah Michelle Gellar and her filmography.

"I love the fact that she and Freddy Prince Jr are married like Fred and Daphne are together in real life, so wholesome," Luke gushed as he sat back down, having just tidied away their plates and glasses.

"Yeah, pretty cute, would have been cuter if Daphne and Velma had got together," Ashton said a sly smile on his face.

"Typical," Luke said with an eye roll.

"Didn't take you for a homophobe Lucas," Ashton said, shaking his head and tutting.

"And I should have guessed you were a total perv,"

"You know I am," Ashton smiled coyly, climbing across onto Luke's lap; the taller man sank back into the corner of the couch to get comfortable. "You know, I look forward to Wednesday nights. Everything you cook is so good; it's even more impressive when you think that most of the time, it's your first time making it," Ashton told him matter-of-factly.

"Oh yeah, it's my cooking that gets you here, nothing else," Luke said, rolling his eyes to fight the blush.

"Okay, maybe there are other factors," he conceded, a slight smirk finding its way onto his lips before they pressed forward and connected with the younger mans.

Luke pressed back into him, instinctively letting his mouth open; Ashton reciprocated their tongues meeting, the wine from earlier could still be tasted on his tongue. Luke tried his hardest to savour the moment, sure Ashton would pull away any minute. Instead, his hand came up to hold the side of his neck, his thumb brushing against Luke's earlobe, the subtle touch causing him to imagine it was his cheek he was holding instead.

The kisses were slow and deliberate, the older man pressing himself up toward Luke's mouth rather than a downward grind on his cock. The tender kisses lasted longer than Luke could have dreamt until he could feel Ashton's cock growing harder pressed against his abdomen. He was still pushing into him, but his kisses grew feverish, leaving the other's lips and finding his neck. His hips grinding his cock against Luke's stomach. It seemed to all get the better of him as he pulled back, reaching down to undo his button and zipper, taking his own cock in his hand, the older supporting himself as he sat on his knees.

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