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Luke was lying with his eyes closed, not wanting to open them and deal with- well, the events from that afternoon. They'd fallen asleep sometime after the handjobs in bed. He could feel Ashton climbing out of the otherside of his bed, though, moving around the room, he assumed looking for his clothes. He still couldn't see him, but he was imagining the man flitting around the room looking for clothing that Luke was almost certain they'd left in the lounge room. 

"Going to slip out while you think I'm sleeping? Classic," He chuckled, finally rolling over onto his back and opening his eyes. Luke wasn't really ready to have any sort of conversation about what had happened earlier; he was honestly feeling more peckish than anything.

His eyes followed Ashton's bare ass distracting him until the older man spoke, "I was looking for my clothes, I wanna have a shower,"

"You could just borrow something of mine if you want," Luke yawned sitting up, and tilting his head toward the dresser across the room.

"I'd be more comfortable in my own stuff," Ashton said with a shrug lifting up a pair of Luke's jeans.

"Fair, I think your jeans are in the lounge room, but your shirt is in here somewhere, I'm pretty sure,"

Ashton hummed and headed into the lounge room; Luke got up unabashedly, ready to follow the older man entirely naked when he realised that just because Ashton seemed like he was taking things well didn't mean he should shove his dick in his face. He grabbed a pair of briefs and a shirt before following the older man into the living room, just outside his bedroom door.

He didn't know what would spook the other, so the room remained silent for a few moments before he decided it would be safe to ask, "Do you want a cup of coffee or something?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess, that sounds good," he responded absentmindedly, making a small celebratory sound before pulling a pair of jeans out from under the coffee table. He shimmied them up his legs before joining Luke, where he stood around the island bench. 

Taking a seat, he watched as Luke filled the Moka pot with coffee grind and set it on the stove. They spoke of nothing in particular as the coffee brewed and after that only to confirm milk and sugar ratios. Until the taller man finally pushed a mug across the counter to Ashton, and they were forced to make eye contact.

He took a long sip of his coffee, his eyes flitted down to his mug in an attempt to avoid eye contact, until he seemingly decided he'd just say it, "we can't tell either of the guys,"

Luke wasn't shocked and couldn't honestly say he really wanted to tell the guys either, "definitely can't tell Calum he would be far too smug; he only got us to meet because he was trying to set us up,"

"Wow... really? I swear he knows I'm not bi or anything. That's also exactly why we can't tell them; they'll know this isn't because I'm gay; they'll know I'm using this as a coping mechanism. I'm self-aware enough to admit that, but I don't want them trying to reason with me,"

Luke simply nodded as he swallowed the coffee in his mouth. 'Coping mechanism', cool, that was his new identifier. He decided it was best just to leave his response at a nod.

There was a silence that for Luke felt awkward, but Ashton seemingly didn't feel it. He'd been watching the other man for a few moments before he put his coffee down on the counter and rounded the corner of the island slowly until he was standing in front of Luke. "You know I don't think I'm coping real well," his tone dripped with coyness.

Luke's head had two opinions formulating and a cock that was already interested. Opinion one was that if he did this, he was taking advantage of the older man, who was clearly confused and upset. The second opinion was that Ashton was a twenty-five-year-old man and could fuck whoever he wanted. He still hadn't decided which he agreed with when Ashton snaked a hand down and started to rub Luke's cock through his briefs.

He took a sharp breath as the hand slid further until Ashton's middle finger was gently running along the younger man's taint and up, almost reaching his hole before pulling back and starting again.

"Okay, okay, your unhealthy coping mechanism wants to get railed, hurry up," Luke all but whined.

Ashton chuckled, grabbing Luke's wrists and pulling him forward, walking him backwards, turning him around, pressing him until he folded him over the stool. He pulled the bottom of his shirt up and the top of his briefs down to his mid-thighs.

He Barely hesitated before slipping a spit-lubed finger into Luke's still loosened hole. "You remember there's lube in the bedroom, right?" Luke asked weakly, from where his head lay on the second stool.

"One sec, stay there," Ashton said, pulling his finger out before dashing off to the bedroom, returning seconds later with the small tube in hand.

He went back to opening the other man up as quickly as he could; then he was three fingers deep in Luke's ass with the younger man moaning and pressing his hips back into him. That was when Luke reached a hand back and tugged at Ashton's wrist, encouraging him to pull out. 

The older man looked at him confused until Luke dropped to his knees, unbuttoning his jeans, to discover that in his searching, Ashton hadn't managed to find his underwear. He pulled his hard cock out of the tight pants, aimlessly groping for the lube on the bench above him. He added a small amount to Ashton before starting to work him in earnest, short rough strokes until Ashton let out sighs and light moans. Then he took him in his mouth. 

He sucked obscenely and was rewarded with fingers threaded in his hair; he looked up, practically preening to see Ashton's head lolled back and moans falling from his lips. The hand blindly found its way down to hold the side of Luke's face before it returned to his hair, threading his fingers through it and starting to fuck the younger man's mouth gently.

He didn't open his eyes or move his hands again until he was pulling Luke off him, "wanna fuck you properly now," he groaned.

Luke returned to his bent-over position on the chair. Ashton lubed and lined himself up before pushing in and starting to thrust almost immediately. Luke whined both at the intoxicating feeling of Ashton just grazing his prostate over and over again. And the feeling of his cock rubbing on his stomach and the soft leather of the chair creating great friction.

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