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four months later

It was date night.

In Luke's opinion, best night of the week; they'd told Michael and Calum they were taking a pottery class on Thursday nights now so they could have every Thursday to themselves. They had also had to buy several mugs and pots from the local studio to pass off as their own, but it was all worth it in Luke's mind.

He finished emptying the dishwasher, grabbed out forks for them and made his way to the couch, readying the TV series they'd been watching and simultaneously listening for the sound of Ashton climbing the stairs, which came only a few moments later, and then the scrape of a key in the lock.

"I've got the show up on the TV," he said without turning his head to the door, slumping back into the corner of the couch and contemplating pulling his legs up.

He heard the door close, and then Ashton spoke as he shuffled in, taking his shoes off, "The guy was waiting outside that townhouse next door, right next to the number on the fence that said 107, like just look with your eyes," Luke didn't have to look to know he was rolling his eyes. Anytime they ordered food to the apartment, they had delivery drivers accuse them of putting in the wrong address or waiting down the street, it was all very frustrating, and each time Ashton would complain and say, 'next week we'll eat at my place'. Of course, they never did; Ashton's apartment was too far away, and Luke's place was almost always closer to wherever it was they found themselves on a night out or a brunch.

"Typical," was all Luke said in response as the older man drew nearer.

"Are you ready to eat yet?" Ashton asked, holding the paper bag up as if to tempt Luke.

He thought for a long moment, "yeah, you happy to share?" he asked, and Ashton nodded, settling into the couch alongside Luke. They ate their food, eyes fixed on the TV, picking off one another plates as they each gave the other side-eye when the characters said yet another thing one or the other had predicted the week before.

By the time the episode was wrapping up, Ashton was laying back against Luke's chest, both their legs laid out across the couch, all their boxes and cutlery cluttering the coffee table. Luke's eyes were drooping closed every so often, and he was pretty sure Ashton was in much the same way; then a small voice came from him, "you're so warm," and then he twisted slightly, so he was laying on his side still against Luke's chest.

"I'm glad you're comfortable," Luke chuckled as he shifted himself to accommodate Ashton's new position better.

"I might stay tonight, if that's okay?" Ashton asked, looking up at the other with tired eyes.

"Of course," Luke told him, running a hand up his back to rub gently between his shoulders, "you know... your lease is up soon; you could stay here all the time if you wanted," he said, his chest tight with nerves.

"Oh," Ashton said quietly, "Um- well, we'd have to tell people, you know 'cos there's only one bedroom, people would know," he looked suddenly much more awake than before.

"I-I mean yeah, or we could put your bed in the corner over there and say you're just staying here while you find a place, then we could move somewhere with two bedrooms.. or I don't know, work up to telling people?" Luke offered, the words feeling lamer and lamer the longer they hung between them.

Ashton looked uncomfortable, so much so that it looked like he might turn away from Luke, but he stayed in his half-turned position, "that's not really realistic, is it? I mean, maybe if our leases ended at the same time, but it's just too long until your lease finishes," he reasoned, then shifting himself this time, so he was facing away from Luke head under his chin. He stayed quiet until Ashton spoke again, "I'm sorry," he added quietly, "I'll only sign a 6-month lease this time," he told him, twisting once again and pressing a kiss to the underside of Luke's chin.

Luke hummed, nodding as he tried to bring himself back from the anxious thoughts the conversation had rapidly brought on. He turned towards Ashton and pressed a kiss against his lips, "I get it," he told him equally as quiet.

"Wanna watch a movie before bed?" he offered, snuggling further into Luke while simultaneously reaching for the Xbox controller.

"Yeah, sounds good," he offered a small smile the other would barely be able to see and settled in as Ashton started to flick through Netflix. "I really don't mind what we watch; I'll probably fall asleep if we stay on the couch; too comfy," Luke admitted, squeezing Ashton with the arm he already had wrapped around him.

Ashton hummed, putting the controller on the floor, "well, if you're too tired to stay awake through a movie, you won't have any energy for what I had planned," he turned over entirely, smirking at Luke this time.

Luke chuckled quietly, "what was on offer?" his hands finding Ashton's arse to grope firmly through his thin sweatpants.

The older man grinned, pressing back slightly into Luke's hands for just a moment before grinding himself forward, "got your hands on it," he said cheekily.

He groaned, giving it one more squeeze before he freed a hand to guide Ashton by the jaw and bring their lips together. Kissing him slow and passionately, sucking Ashton's bottom lip gently until he drew a noise from the back of his throat, encouraging him to lick into his mouth. Then, feeling Ashton pulling closer to him, abandoning lying atop him for placing his knees on either side of Luke, drawing himself up so he could kiss down just as purposefully as Luke had started them off. Hands cupping Luke's face, moaning into his mouth again as Luke's hand slid down under the cleft of his arse. Stroking at the tender thigh flesh and feeling Ashton shiver from his touch. 

He separated their lips and started to kiss along Ashton's jaw to under his ear, "one day, you'll bottom for me, won't you?" he asked, smirking into the sensitive flesh and feeling Ashton's skin form goosebumps against his lips. 

Ashton let out a nervous half-laugh before saying, "maybe as a birthday present," 

Luke hummed, "so what can I do for you right now?"

He felt Ashton press his groin against him, and Luke could feel he was hard now; then he answered, "if you could do something about that, I'd really appreciate it," 

Luke pulled the blanket from the back of the couch and threw it over Ashton's shoulders, before shifting them so he could press Ashton into the opposite corner of the couch. Sliding his sweatpants down just enough to free his cock, it now hung over the waistband. Ashton's hand went to Luke's shoulder, holding it in a way that felt far more tender than Luke thought possible, and he relished it and the feeling of the older man watching him as he leant in using a hand to lift Ashton's cock slightly to place the tip in his mouth. He sucked gently, feeling Ashton's grip tighten on his shoulder. He widened his mouth, letting it sit on his tongue, eyes searching up to meet Ashton's, who was looking back at him with dark eyes; then, he closed his mouth around Ashton again and started to suck more earnestly. Slowly he deepened his sucking taking more into his mouth and feeling the older man move his hand and push the hair back from Luke's forehead. Luke felt his stomach leap at the gesture and continued, wanting to have Ashton whimpering and coming down his throat as soon as possible. 

Which didn't take much more coaxing; using his hand to stroke what he couldn't rich, Luke continued sucking, paying close attention to Ashton's urethra, which he had learned was a sweet spot of Ashton's over the last few months. There was some sort of inhuman noise leaving Ashton's mouth, his hand bruisingly tight on Luke's shoulder and then familiar warmth entering his mouth. He swallowed and pulled off, wiping the corners of his mouth before feeling Ashton's hand take the back of his neck in hand and pull their lips together; Ashton licked into Luke's mouth before pulling back smirking. 

"Should we finish up in a nice warm shower before bed?" he asked.

Luke chuckled again and nodded, holding Ashton's gaze for just a moment longer, then climbing off the couch. 

Hi! Sorry, this took so long! I hope you enjoy it and please tell me what you think of relationship Ash and Luke. they're a little different now! Thank you for sticking with me. 

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