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I changed the title from 'Its yours' to 'Ethereal'

I might change from donghyuck, to hyuck to haechan


“You are?” Lucas asked, raising a brow at the guy who just walked to them.

“Lee Donghyuck, haechan, whatever
new guy. Heard you boys were the people who I was gonna work with.”

He doesnʼt look bad.. Renjun thought.

Donghyuck was trying not to look rude until “What the fuck are you looking at?” he slightly yelled. Renjun jumped and looked at chenle, chenle smiles and rubs renjuns back “Sorry, this little guy right here gets scared at the most simple things.” he smiled.

“Let's get going then bossy bitch” Renjun rolled his eyes and smiled fakely at the tanned male. Lucas lets out a chuckle and hugs renjun while lifting him up “Good luck bud!!” the taller smiled at renjun. Renjun pulls the olderʼs hands off of his waist and brushes his shirt a little.

(keep in mind that renjun is wearing this!<3)

While walking inside a white hall with big windows on the sides, renjun stops walking and dials his boss “Mr

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While walking inside a white hall with big windows on the sides, renjun stops walking and dials his boss “Mr.kim—excuse me I am deeply irritated right now I am so sorry—where on earth do I bring this—” he stops and looks at donghyuck with a disgusted face, donghyuck sends a raised brow at that. “this-this thing.” renjun said, still keeping the disgusted face.

Silly renren, just call me jungwoo, you know I feel old with the honorifics. Donghyuck will be sharing an office room with you, heʼs gonna be a model too. Since you guys are the only ones here with the same age why not make you guys friends?”

What. The. Hell. Renjun thought

“But Mr.Ki—jungwoo—”

“Woops! The photographer and the other dude organizing your photoshoot just emailed me. Go help haechan fix his table, all of the things he needs are there already. Oh and! Once you two finish dressing up in your casual clothes, come outside to the parking lot bring lucas, chenle and chihoon for a little support since this photoshoot will have....you knowww those type of outfits with unbuttoned shirts yada yada hihi bye” with that, jungwoo ended the call.

“God I hate this.” Renjun mumbled before putting his phone back in his pocket, he looks at donghyuck who was on his phone the whole time “You—you bi—ugh lets just go” renjun pulls donghyucks wrist while walking to the office room “Say, since I already know who lucas and chenle are, whoʼs chihoon?” Donghyuck asked, hiding his jealousy in very well. (guess you can say he fell for the shorter) “Oh heʼs this cutie I work with all of the time. Heʼs good at makeup!” “Oh alright, why donʼt we get to know each other?” Donghyuck says while smirking.

“Alright then bi—donghyuck. Iʼm renjun, huang renjun. 19 year old gay, I will kill you.”

Donghyuck definitely was not expecting the last part.

“Woah there. Iʼm lee donghyuck, q9 year old, has a thing for cute little people like you” he slides a hand on renjuns jaw.

tbc tbc im running out of ideas which is awful

You guys probably donʼt know chihoon so this is him, yes heʼs a real person and he is a member of to1!

You guys probably donʼt know chihoon so this is him, yes heʼs a real person and he is a member of to1!

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