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“Yeah.” renjun says, before donghyuck could even answer they both hear someone opening the rooftop door. “You two—we—oh my god I didnʼt know we had a rooftop- help us fix the birthday decorations for tomorrow, its for my niece and the decorations arrived today hurry while the room weʼre using isnʼt taken by stupid veronica again!” Jungwoo says in a second, pulling the two down the stairs.

“Niece? Which o— Taeyongs daughter?! Yhurie?” Renjun asks running down the stairs “Yeah short hair squeals at everything she likes there we go okay go go go” Donghyuck was silent the whole run, but was excited to help out because that means, he gets to be in the same room as renjun.

“Put that balloon over there, make like an explosion” jungwoo says making donghyuck and renjun look at each other with a questioning face. “Oh great! Jaehyuns here, can you call jisung, chenle, chihoo—wait actually tell chihoon to go rest hes drunk off his ass, call lucas too.” Jaehyun raises his eyebrow and says “Chenle?” jungwoo scoffs “Chinese kid! Brown hair, blue shirt, black pants, whatever tell everyone to scream and if someone screams higher than everyone thats chenle” he jokingly says, hopefully.

Everyone was sticking the decorations up, putting the tables down, discussing about the gifts. After a few balloon pops, everything was finished.
“Alright, everybody go home, think about your outfit and gift, Iʼll be the one in charge of the cake, yhurieʼs parents suck at checking if its ice cream cake or not. Her last cake melted even before it was sliced.” Everyone laughed softly and stood up to get their bags.

“Aw shit.” Renjun mumbles, looking through his bag “Whats up?” Lucas asks “I forgot my key!” Renjun whisper yells “Iʼd ask you to stay at my place but its filled with confession practices” Lucas whispers to the other. “What do I do now?! Chenle and chihoon have boyfriends and I donʼt want to third wheel” Donghyuck chuckles softly at renjun being dramatic, “You can stay at mine? Iʼll help you pick the lock at your house tomorrow” renjuns eyes lit up at that “You know how to pick locks?” “Yeah! Lets go?” Donghyuck replies in a cheerful tone to cheer renjun up, he then guides renjun to his car and goes inside.

“Its a bit far from here, wanna get some snacks so you can eat through the ride?” Donghyuck asks “Mhm” Renjun softly replies, smiling at donghyuck. “Can I tell you something?” Donghyuck says, smiling softly at renjun. “Yeah sure go on.”. Here we go, donghyucks confidence went kokobop when renjun smiled, I really do love him.

“I donʼt want to rush it but, ever since we met I felt something weird when I saw you, you know. Like protecting you. I really donʼt know how to say this Iʼm so sorry. I called jungwooʼs brother a few days ago, and asked what I felt when I saw you, he said it was love at first sight—Oh my god renjun fuck explaining, I like you, not just like but like like, maybe even love” Donghyuck says, letting out a sigh.

Renjun softly put his hand on top of donghyucks and smiles, “Yeah I felt the same way.” donghyuck snapped his head to look at the other only to see a sweet smile that made his heart go boom “I thought you hated me” Donghyuck says, relieved. “Bitch youʼre my soulmate. Weʼve done everything together. I never felt comfortable with someone who I just met last week.” Renjun replies in a sassy tone, donghyuck lets out a small laugh “Noodles?” “Yep” “Chips?” “Yepp” “Strawberry milk?” “Yes!” Renjun squeals happily “Alright lets go”

The two were now at the convenience store, picking up food that wasnʼt mentioned in their little conversation.
“Theres honey chips here” Renjun says, picking it up and going straight to the counter where donghyuck was waiting with a couple drinks and ramen.

Donghyuck ended up paying for all of it after a few glares sent to each other.
The pair went back inside and renjun immediately started eating his honey chips “Hey” Donghyuck says, looking at the road “Can I court you?” “Yeah” Renjun replies with chips filled in his mouth “What are we?” “Boyfriends” that sent a huge amount of blush to come up to the couples faces, not being able to blurt out another word, silence filled the two until they reached donghyucks house.

Donghyucks room

The couple finished washing up and are now sitting down on the bed “I can sleep on the couch and you can be on the bed” Donghyuck says softly for the nth time this night “No its your house why would you sleep on the couch I shoul—” donghyucks confidence kicked in and pulled renjun down on the bed and brings the smaller in a hug “Woah woah woah Iʼll go sleep on the couch” “Shh go to sleep, I donʼt want you to wake up with a sore back” Donghyuck whispers.

A few minutes went by and soft snores could be heard, donghyuck lets out a chuckles and kisses the crown of renjuns head before falling back to sleep.

That was 800 words?

- Ethereal | renhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now