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“Youʼre so weird.” Renjun makes a disgusted face at donghyuck, the taller just responds with a scoff.

“Hey renjun! No funny business with the new guy” Chihoon yelled, running to the two “Fun to have your first photo shoot on your first day huh?”
“We will have a van pick us up since they know new guy here probably wouldnʼt want to be late.” Chihoon says, patting donghyuckʼs head. “So like anyway, I got news about what outfits and what type of photo shoot youʼre gonna do, bottom renjun letʼs go!” Chihoon cheerfully yells, “What?! Show me! Now!—Please!” Renjun panicks, forgetting that the other was older than him.

“Oh. My. God.”

(big time skip)

The five were now dressed in their casual clothes, well, the other 3 were waiting for the ʼcoupleʼ. The two walked out of the room, only to hear chenle squealing and lucas panting while holding his chest. “You two look like a couplee!!!!!!!” The youngest out of the 5 squealed earning tons of 'shhh' 'be quiet lele!'.

After a few scoldings and ʼbut you two REALLY look like a couple! donʼt come to me to tell me you two are dating!ʼ of course, he was joking, obviously at the donʼt come to me part.

They all went in the van not forgetting their stuff, lucas sitting down on the front seat with renjun, chihoon at the passengers seat and donghyuck and chenle behind lucas n renjun. a comfortable silence was spread on the 5. Until renjun decided to break it.
“They wonʼt hate me right?” Renjun says, voice shaking at the thought. Lucas turns to the younger and holds his hands. “No no no no no they wonʼt” chenle sprung up from his seat and started giving renjun head pats, playing with it to comfort the older. “Would they hit me again?” Renjun whispers, “Renren baby...they wonʼt hurt you again” Chihoon says, handing over a watermelon candy to renjun. Renjun opens the candy wrapper and pops the candy in his mouth, trying to control his crying. “But Iʼve starved for them anyway, what if they hit me again? “Renjun if they do something to you Iʼll make sure to you Iʼll make sure to keep you safe hm? Iʼve already seen enough, I donʼt care if I get fired.” The driver says “Thank you kun ge.” Renjun smiles with his eyes read and tears forming in his eyes, lucas and chenle continue to comfort renjun, donghyuck just sitting there, worried and doesnʼt want to come closer to the boy, except for giving him some water.

donghyuck was shocked. He didnʼt know the shorter male who was capable of scaring everybody had something else in him.

“Alright weʼre here.” Kun says after parking. He opens the door for chihoon, then the other 4 only to see their renjun sleeping on lucasʼ lap. “Can you carry him inside? Iʼll come up with an excuse so they wonʼt mind him sleeping.” kun whispers to lucas.

Lucas puts renjun down on the couch inside the break room, he didnʼt know what to do, the break room had no pillows, all being washed, he couldnʼt move from the sleeping renjun, the other 3 had to do stuff. Donghyuck walks in with his makeup ready and sits down on a small stool beside lucas “Donʼt tell him I asked you this, but why do they hit him?” Lucas lets out a sigh and plays with renjunʼs two-toned hair, trying to put him to deep sleep.

“He started modeling at 15 for fun, it was fun, until he turned 18. That was when everybody found out he had a thing for males. They started to pressure him, drunk staff attempting to kiss him. You know, do it with him. They started to tell him to lose more weight even though he already had the perfect body, he thought it was normal at first so he did it often. Now he canʼt even gain weight quickly and properly. He would always faint in the middle of the photo shoots, probably because of them hitting him when he doesnʼt get the pose right. Eventually he hated how he didnʼt reach their expectations, he thought everyone thought the same as them and started hurting himself, jungwoo found out and declined photo shoots that would require short sleeved outfits. A few months back he and chenle made 4 new friends, the names were yangyang, jeno, jaemin and jisung. After a few weeks the two told them that they were comfortable with them, but they did something that would have traumatized the two forever. Chenle and renjun were going to change here, in this break room, no clothes on left, they heard 3 camera shutters from inside the room, they panicked and put their clothes back on and started looking for where the shutters came from. It was from jeno, yangyang and jaemin, hiding in the closets and bathroom. They all went to jail after that of course, jisung was the one who reported them immediately to the police after hearing their plan. No picture was shared, chenle has moved on thankful for that and for renjun, well he didnʼt feel comfortable with anyone anymore which is surprising because when he was with you, he wasnʼt shaking or panicking. Nevermind that. Now renjun is sick, wounds all over his wrists, canʼt eat properly without worrying about the way he look, canʼt even gain weight anymore. He canʼt even tell anybody else about whatʼs happening right now.” Lucas finishes, wiping his tears and smiling at renjun, he was worried for his friend, he googled every way of how to help his friend, he stayed up all night to write down notes so he could help the younger.

Donghyuck was in a bad mood now, he didnʼt know people could do that to such a precious man, precious? He asked himself. His thoughts were interrupted by a renjun with messy hair, sitting up and yawning. Yep, precious. What?! He thought, he didnʼt know what that was. L. m. a. o.

A few hours went by with the photo shoots, screaming and hitting. It was finally the end of the day, they all sat down in the break room treating renjunʼs wounds and comforting him. “Only if I came here at the same time as you you wouldnʼt be able to suffer like this alone ge” chenle says while crying and wiping renjunʼs tears. “Renjun would you like something to eat, hm?” Chihoon says, kneeling down in front of renjun the younger weakly nods and hugs chihoon. “Donghyuck, weʼll go outside to buy some food for us take care of ren alright?” lucas says before leaving with the other two.

Only renjunʼs soft cries and sniffles were only heard inside the room, he turned to donghyuck and thought that the tanned male was getting annoyed of him, so he tried to walk to the bathroom to get more tears out, the walk was going perfectly smooth until he knocked over donghyuckʼs water bottle, making the water spill on his phone. “You fucking bitch!” donghyuck yells, renjun backs up “Iʼm sorry I didnʼt mean to it was an accident!” “Well maybe if you werenʼt such a loser we wouldnʼt have hated how youʼre such a crybaby and they wouldnʼt have hit you so my phone wouldnʼt get wet!” he raised his voice at the shaking male, more tears were dropping out of renjunʼs eyes, while shaking he walks to the bathroom leaving a speechless donghyuck.

Donghyuck didnʼt want to apologize, he was now afraid of going closer to the smaller male, afraid of making him cry more.

“Weʼre back! Oh, wheres renjun?” Chihoon asks, putting the bags down on the table. “Iʼm sorry” donghyuck whispers, loud enough for the other three to hear. “What did you do?!” chenle screams at him before running off to find renjun with chihoon.

Lucas started preparing everyoneʼs food. “You are such an asshole arenʼt you?”.


this was the longest chapter i have ever wrote.

this book will only have 6-7 chapters, probably.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed! <3

- Ethereal | renhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now