10:10 Near The End

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“Mama jun!” Zixi smiles and runs over to renjun who was busy fixing their outfits and stuff for their small family day.

“Hey there sweetheart, did you sleep well?” Renjun softly asks before carrying the six year old “Mhm! Mama, when is your wedding with papa?” Zixi plants a small kiss on renjuns cheek.

“Itʼs in a few weeks, why? Are you excited to meet your cousins?” Renjun tickles the giggly six year old in his arms “Yes! Especially yhurie and kiel!” The six year old happily exclaims “Iʼm glad you had fun with them, wanna help me?” Renjun smiles at the six year old “Mhm!”.

Elise and her father were sitting down on the couch while watching moomin with serious faces on.

“Hows your day with kiel and yhurie?” Donghyuck asks in a serious tone “Yhurie cried when she found out you guys werenʼt my real parents then uncle jae cried along with her because he didnʼt know how to make her stop, I donʼt really mind if Iʼm not with my real parents, they suck and atleast Iʼm alive with two better ones.” Elise replies in the same tone.

Donghyuck was shocked and happy, shocked that a three year old knew about these things and happy that shes happy with them.

“What about kiel?” Donghyuck looks at her daughter who couldnʼt keep her eyes off of the screen.

“Uncle mark said kiel told him I was a scary playmate. He also said I look too baby like to be three years old and too smart to be three years old” Donghyuck hums “Heʼs 8 years old. 5 years older than me, how stup—” Donghyuck cut elise off by putting a marshmallow in her mouth “Donʼt say that word please, its a bad word” He says softly “Oh— papa get my bangs out of my face please” Elise said but it was muffled because of the big marshmallow “Remember to rip it apart and not swallow whole” Donghyuck says in a gentle tone while tying her bangs.

Picnic place

“Zixi asked us about the wedding, is it almost ready? Its like in a few weeks.” Renjun looks at donghyuck who was busy preparing the food “You say 'like' a lot I just noticed. Yeah its ready, only the bill is left. But jungwoo said heʼll take care of it as a wedding gift.” Donghyuck smiles and places a soft kiss on renjuns lips “Ew papa” Elise suddenly says in a disgusted tone “Where did you come fro— Nevermind wheres your brother?” Renjun picks up the three year old and hands her a sandwich “He met a girl on the slides” Elise points to the playground where zixi and a girl could be seen playing with the sand.

“Oh, he ate chips and drank a bottle of juice earlier he can come when he feels hungry, let your brother experience love life.” Donghyuck smiles and starts eating.

“Mama jun say ahh~” Elise tells renjun while holding a spoon of rice and curry, renjun opens his mouth and happily takes the food in while smiling at his daughter.

“Oh hey look her parents!” Elise squeals slightly “Is that yangyang?” Renjun asks squinting at the familiar figure “I donʼt knoww? Wait for our son to bring the girl here, I think the guys gonna come too.”

“Papa hyuck! Mama jun!” Zixi happily runs to the three with a small girl holding his hand “This is bella! My new friend” Zixi shows them a gummy smile with his eyes in little crescents “You have two papaʼs too?” Bella excitedly squeals and looks at zixi “Mhm! Papa, mama, this is her dad, ya—what was your name again sir?” zixi looks up to see the man softly smiling at them “Yangyang. Nice to see you again, renjun.” Yangyang smiles “Zixi come here.” Renjun says in a serious tone and puts zixi down on one of the chairs “I have something to admit, or say, whatever works for what Iʼm saying, can we talk over there?” Yangyang points to the playground.

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