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Bold is chinese which will probably be only used once or twice


"Aw thank you zixi, may I take a picture of the three of you?" Lucas smiles at the six year old who was acting like the papa bear to his daughters "Yes uncle lulu!" Zixi shows his gummy smile and hugs the toddlers.

"Elise come on Iʼm gonna introduce you to my best friends!" Bella happily says and pulls the cute three year old who looked depressing to a small group of friends.

"Guys this is elise, zixiʼs baby sister! Elise this guy with the puppy is eric, this girl dressed as cinderella is iya and this guy who had no energy to dress up at all is jay! Eric and jay are americans, iya is a filipino." Bella smiles at the three year old who was staring weirdly at the dog "Your dog looks crusty." elise says with a disgusted face making iya, bella and jay laugh "How dare you!" Eric suddenly whisper yells in english "Its true!" Elise responds back in the same language "Woah" iya mumbles. "Calm down elise and eric, lets just sit down and talk about stuff!".

The whole conversation between the kids went by with eric and elise sending glares to each other, elise creeping eric out and eric almost losing it. "rot in hell." she softly mumbles in chinese, looking innocently at the two.

Elise noticed that jay and eric would insult bella and iya between the conversation, so she obviously lost it.

"Iʼm gonna hand mocha to my mom for a while, she might poop in my arms" Eric said in a disgusted tone and stands up, elise got ready and put her small foot on one of the feet on the chairs.

Eric got back running, not noticing eliseʼs foot on one of the stands.

Just before eric was about to finally sit down, elise pulled the chair to the side, making eric fall on his butt.

"Ow! What the heck?!" Eric looked mad, so did jay, iya looked amused and bella looked confused. "Why did you do that?! Youʼre sick!" Jay yells and helps eric stand up "Youʼre next." Elise sternly says and stands up, pulling bella and iya to where the parents were.

"Uncle hendery, bellaʼs friends were insulting her and her other friend. "Bella? Why didnʼt you tell me they were doing it? Thank you elise go find her friends parents please"

"Elise, why did you do that to him?" Donghyuck asks his daughter who clearly didnʼt care about the scolding "They were insulting bella and her friend saying bella must have been left by her real parents because she sucked! They also made fun of iyaʼs culture and skin color and bella and iya were on the verge of crying of course I had to do it papa!" Elise lost it, all she wanted to do was protect her big sisters and not get scolded for doing it.

That shocked the parents and looked at jay and eric who were close to crying "Thank you elise, Iʼm giving these guys a punishment, if it werenʼt for you being brave enough to say these they would have continued it." Eric and jays mom looked at the two who looked scared and sorry.

Renjun and donghyuck were shocked too, happy because their daughter was able to stand up for others and for herself, but shocked because of what the boys did.

"Elise, did they say anything else?" Renjun asked softly "They said I should have stayed in the orphanage. They said bella didnʼt even deserve parents, they said iya should have smelled bad if she stayed in that country, I only wanted to protect them mama jun please donʼt be mad at me" Elise looked at renjun with glossy eyes ."Its alright baby" renjun cooed, hugging the three year old who was shaking. "Just donʼt hurt anybody okay?" Donghyuck gently brushes eliseʼs bangs and wiped her tears.

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